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Effects on different methods of removing lower leaves on leaves configuration and economic characteristics offlue-cured tobacco in Jiangxi
中文关键词: 摘除下部叶  单叶重  经济性状  感官质量  烤烟
英文关键词: removing lower leaves  leaf weight  econmic trait  sensory quality  flue-cured tobacco
王玉胜1,张海伟2,何宽信2,叶为民1,邵雪莲3,刘润生3,苑举民2 1. 广东中烟工业有限责任公司广东 广州 5103852. 江西省烟草科学研究所江西 南昌 330025 3. 赣州市烟草公司瑞金分公司江西 瑞金 342500 
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      为提高江西烟叶工业可用性,以烤烟品种云烟87 为材料,采用大田试验研究了不适用下部烟 叶摘除法对江西烤烟不同叶位烟叶叶面积、单叶重及烤后烟叶等级结构、经济性状、感官质量的影响。结果 表明,打顶后1 d 摘除下部叶,第10 叶位(中部叶)和第16 叶位(上部叶)烟叶的叶面积、单叶重及烤后 烟叶的产量、产值和上等烟比例均高于其他摘叶时间。同一摘叶时间下,摘除5 片下部叶时烟株叶片单叶 重、上等烟比例均高于摘除2 片叶处理,上部叶比例增加1.8%~3.2%。随着摘除下部叶时间推迟,上部叶 比例降低,而中部叶和下部叶比例增加。打顶后1 d 摘除2 片下部叶时,C3F 和B2F 等级烟叶的评吸质量最 好。综合烤烟生长及产质量性状,打顶后1 d 摘除2 片下部叶适宜作为生产中优化烟叶结构的依据。
      To improve the industrial usability of jiangxi tobacco leaf,the flue-cured tobacco variety Yunyan 87 was selected to study the effects of different methods of removing lower leaves on leaf area,leaf weight, leaves structure,economic characters and smoking quality of flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that removing lower leaves at 1 day after topping could obtain higher leaf area,leaf weight,yield,output value and the ratio of 10th and 16th leaves than other treatments. Under the same time of removing lower leaves,leaf weight and high-quality tobacco ratiowere higher under the treatment of removing five leaves than those under the treatment of removing two leaves,and the proportion of upper leaves increased 1.8%-3.2%. With the delay of removing lower leaves, the rates of middle and lower leaves increased and the rates of upper leaves decreased . Sensory quality of the leaves of C3F and B2F was the best under the treatment of removing two leaves after topping 1d. Therefore,we suggested removing two leaves at 1day after topping was the best option for optimizing configuration of tobacco leaves in Jiangxi.
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