曾 奕,杨伟权,郁书君.绣球花的育种研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(6):36-43
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Research progress of Hydrangea breeding
中文关键词: 绣球花  种质资源  新品种选育  应用现状  研究进展
英文关键词: Hydrangea  germplasm  breeding  application status  research progress
基金项目:2018 年广东省科技厅农业科技特派员项目;上海市林业总站委托项目
曾 奕,杨伟权,郁书君 华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 2819
全文下载次数: 1924
      绣球花(Hydrangea macrophylla)是重要的观赏植物,可作为盆栽、苗木、切花等多种用途,已 在发达国家如日本、荷兰、法国等地大量应用,在国内,目前正如雨后春笋般在各地开始得到应用,在园艺 市场占有重要地位。绣球花品种达600 多种,国外已经建立绣球花育种栽培协会、相关的栽培标准体系以 及新品种测试技术。而我国作为绣球属的种质资源中心,国外大部分用于杂交的绣球花原种起源于我国, 但我国与国外相比育种工作却存在严重不足,主要表现为绣球花种质资源的开发不足、育种技术落后等问 题。因此,本文综述了国内外绣球属绣球花(八仙花)的种质资源与分类、国内外育种的相关机构与育种 现状、目前国内的主要栽培品种与应用现状,并针对目前国内外绣球花育种过程中存在的问题、育种方法 以及育种趋势如花型、花色、抗性等进行总结,以期为我国的绣球花育种与栽培提供借鉴。
      Hydrangea macrophylla is an important ornamental plant in developed countries. It can be used as potted plants,nursery stocks,cut flowers etc.,and plays a significant role in the market. There are more than 600 varieties of Hydrangea. The Hydrangea association,related cultivation standard systems and new varieties of testing techniques have been established abroad. China as the germplasm resource center of Hydrangea,there are most of original species of Hydrangeas used for crossbreeding originated in China. However,there are serious shortages in breeding work in China compared with foreign countries,which are insufficient development of Hydrangea germplasm resources,backward breeding technology and so on. Therefore,this article reviewed the germplasm resources and classification of Hydrangea in China and abroad,the relevant institutions and the status of breeding at home and abroad,the main cultivars and application status. At the same time,the existing problems,breeding methods, and breeding trends,such as flower type,color,and resistance,are summarized,so as to provide reference for Hydrangea breeding and cultivation in China.
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