查看全文    HTML 三种罗汉松季节性生理生化指标变化比较
Comparative study on seasonal changes in physiological characteristics of three species of Podocarpus
中文关键词: 罗汉松  海南罗汉松  贵妃罗汉松  保护酶  光合色素  生理生化指标  季节性
英文关键词: Podocarpus  P. annamiensis  P. princess  protective enzyme  photosynthetic pigment  physiological and biochemical index  seasonal
黄相玲,朱栗琼,陈惠昕,何晶晶,黄英镑,招礼军 广西大学林学院广西 南宁 530004 
摘要点击次数: 2105
全文下载次数: 816
      对南宁常见的3 种罗汉松植物贵妃罗汉松、海南罗汉松及本地罗汉松生理生化进行比较研究, 结果发现3 种罗汉松生理生化指标因季节更替呈现出不同的变化规律。在渗透性调节物质变化中,叶片可 溶性糖含量在冬季最高、夏季最低,其均值表现为贵妃罗汉松>海南罗汉松>本地罗汉松;可溶性蛋白含 量为秋季>春季>夏季>冬季,其均值表现为海南罗汉松>本地罗汉松>贵妃罗汉松;脯氨酸含量季节性 变化规律贵妃罗汉松为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季且各季节间变化相对平缓,海南罗汉松及本地罗汉松均 为秋季>春季>冬季>夏季且季节间变化差异明显。在酶保护系统中,3 种罗汉松叶片SOD 活性四季动态 变化趋势基本一致、呈先升后降的趋势,为秋季>冬季>春季>夏季;POD 活性四季变化顺序均为春季> 夏季>冬季>秋季,其中春季海南罗汉松POD 活性最高;CAT 活性季节变化为冬季>夏季>春季>秋季; SOD、POD、CAT 活性均表现为海南罗汉松>本地罗汉松>贵妃罗汉松。在光合色素含量变化中,叶绿素a 含量在夏季最高、冬季最低,其季节性变化为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季;叶绿素b 和类胡萝卜素含量变化 规律基本一致为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,海南罗汉松>本地罗汉松>贵妃罗汉松。综上所述,季节更替 对3 种罗汉松生理生化指标具有不同程度的影响,其中海南罗汉松的生理生化指标大于其他两个品种,说 明在自然环境中海南罗汉松生长更占优势。
      The seasonal changes in physiological and biochemical of Podocarpus. princess,P. annamiensis and P. macrophyllus were studied in Nanning of Guangxi. The results showed that the physiological and biochemical normal changed with seasons changes in three species of Podocarpus. Among the permeability regulating substance change, the content of soluble sugar was the lowest in summer and the highest in winter,the average value is P. princess>P. annamiensis>P. macrophyllus ;soluble protein content is autumn> spring> summer> winter,the average value is P. annamiensis>P. macrophyllus >P. annamiensis ;seasonal variation of proline content in P. princess is winter> spring >autumn>summer and the changes between seasons were relatively gentle. Both P. annamiensis and P. macrophyllus were autumn>spring>winter>summer and there were significant differences between seasons. In the enzyme protection system,the dynamic changes of SOD activity in the four seasons of three types of Podocarpus were basically the same as that of the first hight and then the downward trend,which was autumn> winter> spring> summer;the POD activity in the four seasons was spring> summer> winter> autumn. Among them,the POD activity of P. annamiensis was highest in spring;the seasonal variation of CAT activity was winter> summer> spring> autumn;the activities of SOD,POD,and CAT were P. annamiensis >P. macrophyllus >P. princess. In the seasonal change of photosynthetic pigment content,the content of chlorophyll a was the lowest in summer and the seasonal variation was summer> autumn> spring> winter;the changing rules of chlorophyll b and carotenoid content were basically the same in summer> spring> autumn> winter,P. annamiensis> P. macrophyllus>P. princess. In summary,changes in the seasons have different degrees of influence on the physiological and biochemical indexes of three types of Podocarpus. Among them,the physiological and biochemical indexes of P. annamiensis are stronger than those of the other two species Podocarpus,which shows that in the natural environment P. annamiensis growth is even more dominant.
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