查看全文    HTML 惠州市惠阳区化肥减量增效技术推广及成效
Popularization and effect of“ saving and improving efficiency technology of chemical fertilizers” in Huiyangdistrict,Huizhou city
中文关键词: 化肥减量增效  测土配方施肥  土壤有机质  耕地质量  化肥零增长
英文关键词: saving and improving efficiency technology of chemical fertilizers  soil testing and formula fertilization  soil organic matter  quality of cultivated land  zero growth of chemical fertilizer
李冬娴1,邱林波1,文嘉瑜1,陈锐明1,徐培智2,卢钰升2,古幸福1 1. 惠州市惠阳区农业技术推广中心广东 惠州 516211 2. 农业农村部南方植物营养与肥料重点实验室/ 广东省养分资源循环利用与耕地保育重点实验室/ 广东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所广东 广州 510640 
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      近年来,惠阳区紧紧围绕“稳产增收调结构,体制增效转方式”的工作主线,深入开展化肥 零增长行动,不断探索化肥减量增效技术新模式,通过项目扶持、政府补贴、专家指导相结合方式,大力推 广测土配方施肥技术、土壤有机质提升技术、灌溉施肥技术、有机肥替代化肥技术。自2014 年以来化肥减 量增效技术推广工作取得了一定成效,农民施肥观念明显改变,耕地质量显著提升,土壤有机质含量上升 0.1~0.9 g/kg,土壤养分明显提高,土壤结构有所改良,土壤板结和酸化等现象有所改善,定点调查显示,种 植水稻和淮山的化肥用量平均每667 m2 减少23.1、32.4 kg,减幅分别为33.82% 和16.10%。农户对有机肥 使用的热情逐渐提高,初步实现了农业部提出的化肥零增长计划,总体而言化肥施用量(纯量)减少468 t,减少4.0%,实现了农产品供给有效保障,绿色农业加快发展,乡村振兴稳步推进。
      In recent years,in Huiyang District,the main line of work is“production stabilization,income increase,structure adjustment,and institutional transformation.”They deeply carried out the action of zero growth of chemical fertilizer,constantly explored the new model of saving and improving efficiency technology of chemical fertilizers,vigorously promoted soil testing and formula fertilization technology,soil organic matter upgrading technology,irrigation and fertilization technology,organic fertilizer instead of fertilizer technology,through project support,government subsidy and expert guidance,etc. Since 2014,some achievements were achieved in the popularization of saving and improving efficiency technology of chemical fertilizers. The concept of farmers' fertilization was obviously changed. The quality of cultivated land was significantly improved,soil organic matter rose by 0.1~0.9 g/kg,soil nutrients were obviously improved,soil structure was improved,and soil consolidation and acidification were improved. The fixed point survey showed that,the average amount of fertilizer used for planting rice and yam was reduced by 23.1 and 32.4 kg per 667 m2,respectively,and the reduction was 33.82% and 16.10%,respectively. Farmers' enthusiasm for the use of organic fertilizer gradually increased. The plan of zero growth of chemical fertilizer,proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture,was initially realized. In general,the fertilizer application amount( pure quantity) reduced by 468 t( reduction percent was 4%). In Huiyang District,the supply of agricultural products is effectively guaranteed,the green agriculture is accelerated and the Rural Revitalization is steadily advancing.
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