李 段,王 磊,梁鹏帅,张乐宜,刘燕玲,徐 峥,宋长绪.猪伪狂犬病排毒情况与gE、gB 抗体之间的关系研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(6):103-109
查看全文    HTML 猪伪狂犬病排毒情况与gE、gB 抗体之间的关系研究
Relationship between the PRV release of porcine pseudorabies and the level of gE,gB antibody
中文关键词: PRV  排毒  干扰  gE/gB 抗体
英文关键词: PRV  detoxification  disturb  gE/ gB antibody
基金项目:广东省生猪产业体系项目(粤农2009-380);广东省农业科学院院长基金(201313);广州市科技计 划项目(201508020062)
李 段,王 磊,梁鹏帅,张乐宜,刘燕玲,徐 峥,宋长绪 华南农业大学动物科学学院/ 国家生猪种业工程技术研究中心广东 广州 510642 
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      采集猪伪狂犬病野毒阳性场和阴险场各阶段猪群的血清、乳汁、唾液等样品,用ELISA 检测 血清gE 和gB 抗体水平,结果显示,阳性场gE 总阳性率为56.7%,其中只有哺乳母猪和1 周龄仔猪群的 gE 呈阴性,6~24 周龄猪群gE 阳性率从52.9% 上升至100%,经产和后备母猪群阳性率高达90%~100%; gB 总体阳性率为88.8%,母猪群和公猪阳性率达100%,从1 周龄仔猪阳性率100% 逐渐降至10 周龄育肥 猪的40%,之后又快速升高到100%。阴性场gE 阴性,gB 总体阳性率为38.9%,2~12 周龄猪群的gB 逐渐 转阴,14~20 周龄猪群阳性率在20%~75% 之间,母猪和公猪群gB 阳性率达100%。用RT-PCR 检测样品 中的核酸,阳性场中脐带血的阳性率最高、达到80%,之后是初乳、为33.3%,其他拭子样品带毒率较低、 0.55%~6.21% 不等,阴性场样品均未扩增出gE 基因片段。研究结果说明,阳性场与阴性场相比,PRV 带 毒、排毒途径多样,以母猪垂直传播为主,PRV 排毒不仅与gE 抗体存在相关性,还对母源抗体和免疫抗体 产生干扰,表现在母源抗体和免疫消退期gE 和gB 抗体异常升高。
      Different samples including serum,milk, nasal swabs and so on,in different stages were collected from PRV-postitive and negative farm in present study,the level of gE and gB antibody were detected by ELISA, The result showed that the total positive rate of gE was 56.7%,only lactating sows and 1week piglets were negative, the level of antibody of 6 to 24-week pig increased gradually from 52.9% to 100%,while the effection rate was up to 90%-100% in sows including(perinatal and backup period sow) .The total level of gB antibody was 88.8%, the positive rate in sow and boar were up to 90%-100%,the positive rate of 1 week-old piglets was 100% and then gradually reduced to 40%,after that the positive rate increased quickly after 10 week. The negative farm showed that the gE was negative,and the positive rate of gB was 38.9%,especially for boar sow,their rate was up to 100%, the gB antibody turned to be negative from 2 week to 12 week,the gB positive rate of 14 week-old to 20 week-old fishing pigs was 20%-75%. RT-PCR was performed to detect PRV nucleotide,the result of positive farm showed a widely effection in the deferent herd,except semen,especially the PRV-positive rate in cord blood was highest, up to 80%,colostrum,33.3%,the positive rate of swabs were low,range of 0.55 to 6.21%. these results account for the various ways of shedding and release of PRV, vertical transmission is predominate method of transmission in our study,compared to negative,the PRV release not only was relationship with gE antibody,but also disturbed maternal antibodies and immune antibodies,the gE and gB antibodies were significantly abnormally increased when maternal and immune antibodies were fading away.
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