廖 好,何多兴,陈 琦.特色农业园区规划及效益评价研究——以梁平县金带镇为例[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(6):135-142
查看全文    HTML 特色农业园区规划及效益评价研究——以梁平县金带镇为例
Study on planning and benefit evaluation of characteristic agricultural park illustrated by the example of JindaiTown,Liangping county
中文关键词: 休闲观光农业  农业园区规划  AHP 模糊综合评价  重庆金带镇  文化旅游
英文关键词: leisure agriculture  agricultural park planning  AHP fuzzy comprehensive evaluation  Jindai town of Chongqing  culture-oriented travel
廖 好,何多兴,陈 琦 西南大学地理科学学院重庆 400715 
摘要点击次数: 1480
全文下载次数: 720
      以梁平县金带镇为例,分析特色农业园区规划,构建特色农业园区效益评价指标体系,采用 AHP- 模糊综合分析法定量评价金带镇特色农业园区综合效益。结果表明:金带镇特色农业园区综合效益 指数0.6891,介于0.6~0.8 间的成长发育阶段,其中生态效益较好,经济效益较差。特色农业园区的规划建 设促进了当地的生态发展,但经济效益与示范效益尚需提升。在此基础上,提出建议:鼓励以农业龙头企业 为主体的科研创新、建立基础设施维护与完善的社会监督机制、发展旅游环线公共交通。
      Taking Jindai town of Liangping county as an example,the paper analyzed the characteristic agricultural parks planning,constructed the indicator system of benefit evaluation of characteristic agricultural parks,and evaluated quantitatively the comprehensive benefits of characteristic agricultural parks of Jindai town appling AHP-fuzzy comprehensive analysis. The evaluation results showed that the comprehensive benefit index of characteristic agricultural park of Jindai town was 0.6891,which was between 0.6 and 0.8,in the stage of growth and development. The result reflected that the ecological benefits of characteristic agricultural park were good,while the economic benefits were poor. The planning and construction of the characteristic agricultural park had promoted local Eco development,but the economic and demonstrational benefits were still need to improve. Based on the above, this paper suggested that it should encourage scientific research innovation leaded by top agricultural enterprises, establish social supervision mechanisms for infrastructure maintenance and improvement,and develop public transportation around the tourist ring.
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