贺梅英,赵 萍,林依颖.荔枝龙眼种植户生产经营规模、专业化与合约匹配[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(6):143-148
查看全文    HTML 荔枝龙眼种植户生产经营规模、专业化与合约匹配
Production scale,specialization and contract matching of litchi and longan farmers
中文关键词: 生产经营规模  专业化  合约匹配  荔枝  龙眼  二元选择模型
英文关键词: production and operation scale  specialization  contract matching  litchi  longan  Binary selection model
贺梅英,赵 萍,林依颖 华南农业大学经济管理学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 1625
全文下载次数: 588
      农户的发展趋势由自给自足到兼业化,再到专业化和规模化生产经营阶段。农户通过要素市 场和产品市场进行的交易规模、交易频率增加,农户面临的市场风险增大,为了规避要素和产品的销售风 险、价格风险,农户可能会在交易中采用正式或非正式的合约。基于对广东、广西209 份荔枝龙眼种植户的 调研数据,选择农户“是否签订产品销售合约”“是否签订土地租赁合约”作为被解释变量,考察农户的 规模化、专业化程度不同,对其产品、要素交易行为及合约选择行为产生的影响。实证研究结果表明:“销 售收入”对规模户“是否签订产品销售合约”有显著影响,“种植面积”对一般户“是否签订土地租赁合 约”有显著影响;农户专业化综合指数对规模户“是否签订产品销售合约”有显著影响,对一般户“是 否签订土地租赁合约”有显著影响,荔枝龙眼种植面积占比对规模户“是否签订产品销售合约”有显著影 响。
      The developing trend of farmers is from self-sufficiency to multiple occupations,then to specialization and production and operation scale. With the increase of trade scale and frequency through factor market and product market,the market risk of farmers is increasing. In order to avoid the sale risk and price risk of factor and product,farmers may use formal or informal contracts in the deal. Based on 209 farmers survey data of litchi and longan in Guangdong and Guangxi,this article chose“whether to sign product sale contract”,“whether to sign land lease contract”as explained variables,to study the farmers factors and products exchange behavior and contract choice behavior under different levels of scale,specialization. The empirical study results showed that:“sale revenue”for the scale farmers to“whether to sign product sale contract”had a significant impact;“planting area” for the average farmers to“whether to sign land lease contract” had a significant effect;Specialization of composite index of scale farmers to“whether to sign product sale contract”had a significant effect,for the average farmers to “whether to sign land lease contract” had a significant effect,“planting area ratio” of the scale farmers to“ whether to sign product sale contract” had a significant impact.
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