田 敏,赵 祥,韦叶娜,杨国涛,王学春,赵长坤,胡运高.不同类型水稻品种稻米淀粉RVA谱对外源硒肥的响应[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(7):1-7
查看全文    HTML 不同类型水稻品种稻米淀粉RVA谱对外源硒肥的响应
Response of starch RVA spectrum of different varietiesof rice to exogenous selenium fertilizer
中文关键词: 水稻  硒肥  RVA谱  品质  淀粉
英文关键词: rice  selenium fertilizer  RVA spectrum  quality  starch
田 敏,赵 祥,韦叶娜,杨国涛,王学春,赵长坤,胡运高 西南科技大学水稻研究所四川 绵阳 621010 
摘要点击次数: 1985
全文下载次数: 712
      以籼稻品种泰选1号和粳稻品种粳选1号为材料,采用完全随机设计,在较高海拔山区试验田(800 m以上)进行不同施用量硒处理试验,对收获后的稻米淀粉RVA谱进行测定。结果表明:泰选1号的峰值黏度、冷浆黏度、回复值、崩解值以及峰值时间均高于粳选1号,而热浆黏度低于粳选1号,糊化温度并无明显差异。在硒肥施用量为3.00 g/hm2时,峰值黏度、热浆黏度和冷浆黏度出现降低的情况,而6.00~15.00 g/hm2出现上升的趋势;而回复值、崩解值和峰值时间相对于对照出现了增加,但对于泰选1号的各项指标并未产生显著影响,只对粳选1号的热浆粘度和回复值有显著影响。硒肥的使用与RVA谱的糊化温度呈极显著正相关,相关系数为0.71534。
      The purpose of this paper is to study the RVA spectrum of starch of different rice varieties treated with exogenous selenium. The completely random design was used, at high altitude mountain laboratories(800 m)above, different selenium tests were carried out, RVA spectrum of rice starch after harvest was determined. Results showed that the peak viscosity, cold plasma viscosity, peak value, breakdown value and response time of TaiXuan 1 were higher than those of JingXuan 1, hot paste viscosity was lower than JingXuan 1, gelatinization temperature was not obvious different. When the dosage of selenium was 3.00 g /hm2, the peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity and cold mortar viscosity decreased, and then increased. When the closage of selenium was 6.00-15.00 g /hm2. The recovery value, disintegration value and peak time increased compared to the control. However, it had no significant influence on all the indicators of TaiXuan 1, and only had a significant influence on the viscosity and recovery value of hot pulp of JingXuan 1. The selenium fertilizer was positively correlated with the gelatinization temperature of RVA spectrum, and the correlation coefficient was 0.71534.
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