章理运1,邱 林1,申明海1,杨 博2,周传涛1,张英姿1,吴文竹1.豫南薄壳山核桃生长规律研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(7):22-28
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Study on the growth law of Carya illinoensisin south Henan province
中文关键词: 薄壳山核桃  树高  地径  分枝(新稍)  生长规律
英文关键词: Carya illinoensis  tree height  ground diameter  new branches  annual growth law
章理运1,邱 林1,申明海1,杨 博2,周传涛1,张英姿1,吴文竹1 1. 信阳市林业科学研究所河南 信阳 464031 2. 信阳鸡公山自然保护区管理局河南 信阳 464133 
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      以豫南浉河区和罗山县造林第2年的波尼薄壳山核桃嫁接苗为研究对象,对其株高、地径和分枝(新稍)的生长模型进行分析,分别用二次曲线、生长模型、S形曲线、三次方程、指数、幂函数、Logistic方程拟合生长量与生长时间的关系。结果表明:用三次方程模型拟合树高、地径的效果最好,其决定系数分别达到0.991和0.996;用二次方程拟合分枝的效果最好,决定系数达0.996。观察发现,该品种在豫南的年生长时间可达220 d以上;用Fisher分类方法,可将薄壳山核桃的树高、分枝年生长时期划分为萌芽期、第1个生长高峰期、第2个生长高峰期和生长后期4个时期,但两者生长高峰期的时间不同;地径可分为萌芽期、生长初期、速生期、生长后期4个时期,以地径速生期时间较长、在105 d左右。
      The growth model of tree height, ground diameter and new branches were analyzed with the Carya illinoensis grafting seedlings (species: Pawnee) in the second year of afforestation in Shihe District and Luoshan County of Henan Province as the research object, which using quadratic curves, growth curves, S-shaped curves, cubic equation curves, exponential equations, power function curves, and Logistic equations to fit the relationship between growth and growth times. The results showed that the tree height and ground diameter were best fitted by the cubic equation curve and the determination, coefficients of these two method reach 0.991 and 0.996 respectively; New branches was the best fitted by quadratic curves, with a determination coefficient of 0.996. The survey found that the annual growth time of this species in southern Henan can reach 220 d or more. With Fisher classification method, the tree height and new branches growth period of thin shell pecans can be divided into germination period, first growth peak period, second growth peak period, and later growth period, but the peak spots are different; The ground diameter can be divided into four stages: germination, early growth, rapid growth, and late growth. The ground diameter rapid growth period is longer at about 105 d.
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