查看全文    HTML 广东第三方扶贫评估推进乡村振兴实证研究与对策建议
Empirical research and policy suggestions on promotingrural revitalization by Third-PartyPoverty Alleviation Assessment in Guangdong
中文关键词: 精准扶贫  对口帮扶  第三方评估  乡村振兴  广东
英文关键词: precise poverty alleviation  counterpart support  third party evaluation  rural revitalization  Guangdong
李伟锋 广东省农业科学院农业经济与农村发展研究所/ 农业农村部华南都市农业重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1647
全文下载次数: 712
      运用分层抽样、进村入户实地调查等研究方法,首次对广东开展第三方扶贫调查评估。对2017年广东14市28县56镇150村3 363户进村入户的第三方扶贫调查评估结果表明,未发现人均可支配收入低于广东脱贫标准线(6 883元)的贫困户,医疗、教育、住房“三保障”政策落实到位,产业扶贫机制逐步建立,省内对口帮扶效果明显,贫困户对政府扶贫测评满意度高达96.7%。通过实地调研,总结出五保户集中安置、建立贫困户转移就业平台、贫困户入股产业化扶贫、整镇推进产业扶贫、光伏资产性收益扶贫、本科生教育补助扶贫等新模式、新机制。从提升顶层设计、加强农业产业扶贫、健全“三规(划)合一”机制、探索“一院一所一库”新机制、建立“一员一团一分院”科技扶贫模式、强化第三方动态监测评估、优化评估指标体系等方面,提出广东推进精准脱贫助力乡村振兴的对策建议。
      Using stratified sampling, field surveys of households in the village, and data analysis, the third-party poverty alleviation survey was conducted for the first time in Guangdong. Through the third-party poverty alleviation investigation and evaluation of 3 363 households entering the village in 150 villages of 56 towns in 28 cities of Guangdong in 2017, there was no finding that the per capita disposable income of poor households was lower than the 6 883 yuan poverty alleviation standard line. The “three guarantees” policy for medical care, education, and housing were put in place, the industrial poverty alleviation mechanism was gradually established, and the effect of counterpart assistance in the province was obvious. The poor households were very satisfied with the government's poverty alleviation assessment, reaching 96.7%. Through field research, we summed up the new mode and new mechanism of centralized resettlement of five-guarantee households, establishment of employment platforms for poor households, industrialization of poverty-stricken households, poverty alleviation, promotion of industrial poverty alleviation, photovoltaic asset-based poverty alleviation, and undergraduate education subsidy poverty alleviation. From upgrading the top design, strengthening the poverty alleviation of the agricultural industry, improving the “three regulations (planning) integration” mechanism, exploring the establishment of a new mechanism of “one institute, one association, one club”, establishing a “one member, one group, one branch” technology poverty alleviation mode, suggestions for strengthening third-party dynamic monitoring and evaluation, optimizing evaluation index system, etc.
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