查看全文    HTML 3个地理种源滇黄精光合日变化及其影响因子分析
Research on photosynthetic physiological characteristics ofPolygonatum kingianum for three different provenances
中文关键词: 滇黄精  光合特性  影响因子  相关分析
英文关键词: Polygonatum kingianum Coll. et Hemsl  photosynthesis characteristics  influencing factor  mutual relation
左应梅,杨天梅,杨维泽,杨绍兵,李纪潮,许宗亮,张金渝,杨美权 云南省农业科学院药用植物研究所云南 昆明 650200 
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      为了解不同种源滇黄精(Polygonatum kingianum)光合生理特性与环境因子的关系,采用 LI-6400XT 光合作用测定系统,在自然环境条件下测定3个不同地理种源滇黄精植株的光合日变化,为良种选育以及科学栽培提供理论依据。结果表明:3个种源滇黄精的净光合速率(Pn)日变化存在明显差异,其中云南永德种源滇黄精Pn日变化呈单峰曲线,四川会理、云南金平种源滇黄精Pn日变化均呈双峰曲线,金平种源具有典型的“午休”现象。3个种源滇黄精的气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)日变化均呈双峰曲线;胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和水分利用率(WUE)日变化均不规则。3个种源之间光合特性存在差异,Pn日均值依次为:云南永德种源>四川会理种源>云南金平种源;除云南永德种源的Tr未出现下降外,其余各光合参数在午后均有较大幅度下降。相关分析表明,云南永德种源的Pn与Gs呈显著正相关;云南金平种源的Pn与Gs、Tr均呈显著正相关;四川会理种源的Pn与Gs、Tr和空气相对湿度(RH)均呈显著正相关,与大气温度(Ta)呈显著负相关。此外,3个种源滇黄精的Gs与RH均呈显著正相关,且各种源的Pn与Gs均呈显著正相关,因此RH对3个种源滇黄精的Pn影响也较大。3个种源滇黄精的光合日进程存在明显差异,说明不同种源对同一环境的适应能力存在较大差别,这种差别在引种栽培时应加以考虑。
      In order to understand the relations between photosynthesis parameters and its influencing factors of different geographical populations of Polygonatum kingianum .The photosynthetic day changes of of three different geographical populations of P. kingianum were measured by LI-6400XT portable photosynthetic system under natural condition ,which provides a basis for breeding and cultivation. The results showed that the curves of Pn diurnal variation of the three provenances were different.The daily variation of Pn in provenance of Yongde Yunnan was single peak curve with obvious midday decrease in photosynthesis,but the other two provenances were presented as doublepeak curves. The stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) of the three provenances were presented as double-peak curves,the daily variation of intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci) and water use efficiency(WUE) were irregular.There were differences in photosynthetic characteristics among the three provenances,the rank of Pn average from big to small was Yongde Yunnan,Huili Sichuan and Jinping Yunnan. The photosynthetic parameters showed a large decline except the Tr of Yongde Yunnan in the afternoon.Correlation analysis demonstrated that there was a significant positive correlation between Pn and Gs in provenance of Yongde Yunnan,a significant positive correlation between Pn ,Gs and Tr in provenance of Jinping Yunnan,and was a significant positive correlation between Pn, Gs, Tr and air relative humidity (RH) and a significant negative correlation with atmospheric temperature (Ta) in provenance of Huili Sichuan. In addition,there was a significant positive correlation between Gs and RH of three provenances, and Pn and Gs of all provenances showed a significant positive correlation. Therefore, RH was the main influencing factor on Pn of three provenances. There were obvious differences in the photosynthetic daily process of three geographical populations of Polygonatum kingianum. It showed that there was a great difference in the adaptability of different populations to the same environment. This difference would be considered when introducing and cultivating.
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