查看全文    HTML 烟田残留除草剂药害治理研究进展
Research on phytotoxicity control of tobacco herbicides residues
中文关键词: 除草剂  残留  药害  降解  修复方法
英文关键词: herbicides  residues  phytotoxicity  degradation  remediation methords
付春伶1,张国宾2 1. 丽水职业技术学院林业科技学院浙江 丽水 323000 2. 浙江天丰生物科学有限公司浙江 金华 321000 
摘要点击次数: 2365
全文下载次数: 890
      烟草是一类对除草剂较为敏感的叶类经济作物,随着除草剂的广泛应用,烟田除草剂残留 问题日益严重,导致烟草植株矮化、发育迟缓、生长畸形和老叶黄化等药害症状发生,严重影响烟草质 量和产量。综述了烟田土壤影响除草剂降解的环境因素、常见残留除草剂诱发的典型药害症状和烟田除 草剂残留药害治理的研究进展。重点分析了烟草除草剂残留药害修复的常用传统方法(土壤翻耕、合理 混配施药、灌水- 排水法、酸碱中和法、喷药补救法、动物修复法)、除草剂安全剂、植物生长调节剂、 抗性基因培育以及微生物降解菌的开发利用等多种方法,旨在深入研究烟田除草剂残留药害的解决方法 同时为今后烟田除草剂残留药害治理创新发展提供参考。
      Tobacco is more sensitive to herbicides and express phytotoxicity symptoms such as dwarfing, growth retardation, malformation and yellowing of old leaves with widespread application of herbicides, which affect tobacco quality and yield seriously. The environmental factors affecting the degradation of herbicides, the typical phytotoxicity symptoms induced by common herbicides, and several methods to remediate herbicide residues were reviewed in this artical. Traditional methods (soil plowing, herbicides rational combination, irrigation-drainage method, oil neutralization, pharmacy remedy, and animal repair), safeners application, plant growth regulators, cultivating resistant gene and microbial degradation in the treatment progress of herbicide residues were pointed out, which might provide evidences for the further research of herbicides phytotoxicity solution and promote the development of new methords for herbicides residues in the tobacco field.
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