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Status analysis of Guangdong agricultural development based on scientific and technological innovation
中文关键词: 科技创新  驱动发展  现代农业  体制机制  广东
英文关键词: scientific and technological innovation  development  modern agriculture  mechanism  Guangdong
基金项目:广东省哲学社会科学基金(GD16CGL11);广东省农业科学院院长基金(201731);广东省科技计 划项目(2017A020224020、2014B090908017);广州市软科学研究计划项目(201709020008)
苏柱华,李伟锋 广东省农业科学院农业经济与农村发展研究所/ 农业农村部华南都市农业重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1981
全文下载次数: 786
      通过省内农业发展、科技创新方面的数据分析,结合广东实际情况,对科技创新驱动广东 现代农业发展的现状和对策进行分析。在分析2012—2016年广东农业数据的基础上,从农业科技综合竞争 力、产学研机制、绿色发展机制、农业科技队伍素质、农业新产业新业态关键技术等方面分析科技创新在 广东现代农业发展中的重要作用,从农业有效供给、财政支农力度、农业经营主体实力、农业科技有效供 给等方面分析制约广东农业转型升级的“短板”及原因,提出科技支撑广东农业发展基本特征的总体判断 和总体思路,从加强顶层设计和规划先行、强化种业创新、创新绿色种养方式、提升农产品加工能力、创 新物流保鲜和监测溯源技术、加快智慧农业建设、加强科技培训、推进乡村基层治理现代化等方面提出了 对策建议。
      Based on the data analysis of Guangdong agricultural development and scientific and technological innovation (STI), this paper studied the current state and countermeasures for STI stimulating development in Guangdong agriculture sector. By analyzing Guangdong agricultural data from 2012 to 2016, this paper studied the important role of STI in agricultural development based on agricultural comprehensive competition, the mechanism of Industry-University-Research Collaboration, the quality of the agricultural S & T teams, the key technology of agricultural new industry and business format, et al. The constraint of its transformation and upgrading based on the agricultural effective supply, financial support to agriculture, the business entity of agriculture, the agricultural S & T effective supply, et al. At the same time, this paper pointed out the general judgement of S & T supporting agricultural development in Guangdong. This paper also deeply studied the advantage of S & T supporting Guangdong agricultural transformation and upgrading development, and pointed out policy suggestions from the perspective of mechanism innovation in agriculture and rural affairs, reform in design and planning, seed-industry innovation, planting and breeding by green developmental mode, the ability of agricultural processing, logistics preservation and monitoring traceability, intelligent agriculture, rural governance, urban agriculture, et al.
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