王晓飞1,何秀英1,陆展华1,卢东柏1,刘 维1,王石光1,李传瑛2.河源市水稻产业发展现状与对策[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(9):1-8
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Current situation and development strategy of the rice industry in Heyuan city
中文关键词: 水稻  种子市场  稻米加工  产业链  河源
英文关键词: rice  seed market  rice processing  industry chain  Heyuan city
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2014B070706013,2015B020231002,2015B020202003,2015A020210081, 2017A020224014);广东省农业科学院院长基金(201825)
王晓飞1,何秀英1,陆展华1,卢东柏1,刘 维1,王石光1,李传瑛2 1. 广东省农业科学院水稻研究所/ 广东省水稻育种新技术重点实验室广东 广州 510640 2. 广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所/ 广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      河源作为广东省一个重要的农业大市,虽然经济水平相对落后,但农业综合基础好、生态 环境优良且交通相对便利。水稻作为河源市最主要的农作物,其产业状况直接关系到河源市农业整体发展 水平。目前,河源市水稻产业仍存在一些问题亟待解决,如种子市场混乱、水稻生产机械化程度低、劳动 力短缺、土地撂荒严重、农药与化肥使用不科学、稻米加工行业不成熟等。针对以上问题,提出通过完善 相关政策、积极立法、降低行业成本等措施,针对性解决种业市场及企业发展中存在的问题;从政策、土 地、经营管理等多方面入手,切实解决好土地撂荒问题;多种措施并举,提高水稻生产机械化水平;良种 良法配套,推进科学使用农药化肥;加快发展稻米加工产业。
      Heyuan is an important agricultural city in Guangdong province. Although the economic level of Heyuan city is relatively backward, it has a good comprehensive agricultural foundation, good ecological environment, and relatively convenient transportation. Rice is the most important crop in Heyuan city. Its industrial situation is directly related to the overall development level of Heyuan agriculture. Currently, there are still some problems to be resolved for the rice industry of Heyuan city, such as the chaos seed market, low degree of rice production mechanization, the shortage of rural labor, the severely abandoned arable land, unscientific use of pesticides and fertilizers and the immature industry for rice processing, etc. Thus, finding out the key factors restricting the development of rice industry, analyzing the reasons and proposing effective countermeasures to resolve these problems, would promote the healthy and rapid development of rice industry in Heyuan city. It has important and widespread practical significance in Guangdong province.In view of the above problems, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward: To solve the problems existing in seed market and enterprise development through improving relevant policies, active legislation and reducing industry costs. We should solve the problem of land abandonment from various aspects such as policy, land, management and so on;raising the mechanization level of rice production by taking various measures simultaneously.;Combine good seeds with good methods of cultivation,promoting the scientific use of pesticides and fertilizers;accelerate the development of the rice processing industry.
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