李丹洋1,董 卿1,王効挙2,程红艳1,郝千萍1,常建宁1,黄 菲1.菌糠对污灌区不同作物种植土壤重金属铜和铬形态的影响[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(9):66-71
查看全文    HTML 菌糠对污灌区不同作物种植土壤重金属铜和铬形态的影响
Effects of fungus chaff on chemical speciation of Cu and Cr in soils planting different crops in sewageirrigation area
中文关键词: 菌糠  玉米  高粱  糯玉米  重金属形态
英文关键词: fungus chaff  corn  sorghum  waxy corn  heavy metal
基金项目:山西省国际科技合作项目(201703D421002);山西省煤基重大科技攻关项目(FT2014-03);山西省 重点研发计划项目(201603D211105);日本学术振兴会科学研究费辅助金(16H05633)
李丹洋1,董 卿1,王効挙2,程红艳1,郝千萍1,常建宁1,黄 菲1 1. 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太谷 030801 2. 日本埼玉环境科学国际中心日本 埼玉 347-0115 
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      为了给菌糠改善土壤重金属污染提供理论参考,探究菌糠对污灌区种植不同作物的土壤中重 金属铜和铬形态的影响,针对污灌区土壤,采用田间试验,对玉米、高粱、糯玉米3种作物基施菌糠后, 在作物成熟期采集土壤样品,研究了重金属铜、铬总量及不同形态的分布变化。结果表明:菌糠的施用增 加了污灌区土壤中铜、铬总量的降低幅度,与不施菌糠相比,3种作物种植后土壤中的铜、铬总量都呈现 减少趋势。在不施用菌糠土壤中,Cu含量减少率在3.17%~16.20%,Cr含量减少率在5.00%~15.40%;在施 用菌糠的土壤中,Cu含量减少率在6.17%~18.60%,Cr含量减少率在8.94%~20.60%;菌糠的施用提升了碳 酸盐结合态、有机结合态、残渣态铜和铬的减少率,除可交换态铜含量呈增加趋势外,其余各形态铜和铬 均呈减少趋势。3种土壤中,种植玉米的土壤中铜、铬各个形态的含量减少率显著高于种植其他两种作物 的土壤,这与土壤中铜、铬全量的减少率规律一致。除种植玉米的土壤中铁锰氧化物结合态铜的含量外, 种植其他两种作物的土壤施加菌糠后,铜、铬各个形态含量的减少率均高于不施用菌糠土壤,说明施用菌 糠可以促进重金属铜和铬碳酸盐结合态、有机结合态、残渣态的减少,降低土壤中的重金属含量。
      In order to provide a theoretical reference for the remediation of soil heavy metal pollution by fungus chaff, the effects of bacillary dysentery on the copper and chromium speciation in soils planting different crops in sewage irrigation areas were investigated. A field experiment in the sewage irrigation area in Shanxi Province was carried out to study the effects of fungus chaff application on chemical speciation of Cu and Cr in the soil with cultivation of corn, sorghum, and waxy corn. Changes in the total contents and different chemical speciation of Cu and Cr in the soil were tested at the ripening stage of the crops. The results were as follows: total contents of copper and chromium in the soil with fungous chaff application under the three crops showed a decreasing trend compared with those of non-application of fungous chaff. In the soil without fungus chaff, the reduction rate ranged from 3.17% to 16.20% for Cu, and from 5.00% to 15.40% for Cr, respectively, but in the soil with fungus chaff application, the reduction rate ranged from 6.17% to 18.60% for Cu, and from 8.94% to 20.60% for Cr, respectively. The application of fungus chaff enhanced the reduction rate of Cu and Cr in carbonate-bound, organicbound and residual forms. Except an increase of exchangeable Cu, all the other forms of Cu and Cr showed a decreasing trend. Among the three crops, the reduction rate of various forms of Cu and Cr in the soil grown with corn was significantly higher than that in the soil grown with the other two crops. And this is consistent with the reduction rate of total contents of Cu and Cr in the soil. Except for the content of iron-manganese-oxide-bound Cu in the soil under maize, the treatments of the other two crops with fungus chaff application were found to have higher reduction rates in various forms of Cu and Cr than those without fungus chaff application. The results showed that the fungus chaff could promote the decrease of Cu and Cr in forms of carbonate-bound, organic-bound and residual, and reduce the heavy metal content in soil speciation.
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