屈月雷1,令志强2,王 晨1,彭尔瑞2.云南省石葵河不同海拔梯度的植物多样性分析[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(9):79-83
查看全文    HTML 云南省石葵河不同海拔梯度的植物多样性分析
Plant diversity analysis of different altitudinal gradients in Shikuihe river, Yunnan province
中文关键词: 山区植物  石葵河  植物多样性  Simpson 多样性  Shannon-Wiener 多样性  Pielou 多样性
英文关键词: mountain plant  Shikuihe river  plant diversity  Simpson diversity  Shannon-Wiener diversity  Pielou diversity
屈月雷1,令志强2,王 晨1,彭尔瑞2 1. 云南农业大学资源与环境学院云南 昆明 650201 2. 云南农业大学水利学院云南 昆明 650201 
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      石葵河作为丘北县的主要河流,对当地的经济和环境发展有着重要的作用。通过对石葵河山 区植物多样性的调查分析,以达到对山区不同海拔植物进行合理配置,为后期的研究提供理论依据。通过 典型样地采样分析,结果表明在海拔950~1 200 m 范围内共有6 个典型群落,其中海拔1 050 m 以下主要 以灌木和草本为主,海拔1 050 m 以上主要以乔木和灌木为主;Simpson 优势度指数、Shannon-Wiener 多 样性指数和Pielou 均匀度指数基本变化趋势相同,总体规律为灌木层>草本层>乔木层;乔灌木多样性受 海拔影响较大,草本较小,群落多样性指数在海拔1 050 m 为灌木层>乔木层>草本植物层,在海拔1 200 m 为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,整体上石葵河山区植被多样性随着海拔的升高而降低。
      As the main river in Qiubei county, Shikui river plays an important role in local economic and environmental development. In this study, through the investigation and analysis of the diversity of plants in the shikuihe mountain area, the reasonable allocation of different altitude plants in the mountain area was achieved, providing theoretical basis for the later research. The results show that there are six typical communities in the range of 950-1200 m. Shrubs and herbaceous plants are the main types below the elevation of 1050 m, and trees and shrubs are the main types above the elevation of 1050 m. The basic change trend of the three indexes was the same, and the overall law of Simpson dominance index, shannon-wiener diversity index and Pielou evenness index was > herb layer of shrub layer > tree layer. The tree and shrub diversity was significantly affected by the altitude, while the herb was small. At the altitude of 1050 m, it was the community diversity index > shrub layer > herbaceous layer, while at the altitude of 1200 m the community diversity index herbaceous layer > arbor layer. On the whole, the vegetation diversity in shikui mountain area decreases with the elevation increase.
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