查看全文    HTML 不同播期、密度和施肥量对山地油菜农艺性状和产量的影响
Effects of different sowing date, planting density and fertilizer dosage on agronomic characters and yield ofmountain rapeseed
中文关键词: 山地油菜  播期  密度  施肥量  产量
英文关键词: mountain rapeseed  sowing date  planting density  fertilizer dosage  yield
胡新洲1,杨进成1,适秀安2,刘坚坚1,杨彦斌3,安正云1,李红彦1,张云明4 1.玉溪市农业科学院云南 玉溪 6531002.澄江县种子管理站云南 澄江 652500 3.澄江县海口镇农科站云南 澄江 6525004.峨山县塔甸镇农科站云南 峨山 653200 
摘要点击次数: 2001
全文下载次数: 818
      为探索云南省山地专用优质油菜品种云花油早熟1号的最佳播期、密度和施肥量组合,实现良种与高产栽培技术配套应用,采用3因素3水平正交试验设计,2014年8月至2016年4月,在4个不同海拔区域研究云花油早熟1号最适宜的播种期、种植密度及尿素施用量及其对主要农艺性状和产量的影响。3个因子对产量影响大小依次为A(播种期)>B(种植密度)>C(尿素施用量),播种期与种植密度对产量的影响均达到显著性水平;播种期对生育期、倒伏指数、白粉病病情指数、单株有效角果、角粒数、千粒重和单株产量等主要农艺性状有显著影响,单株有效角果数、千粒重及单株产量随种植密度增加而减少,而尿素施用量对生育期及农艺性状的影响不明显。云花油早熟1号在玉溪油菜种植山区最适宜的播种期应选择在8月25~30日、每667 m2种植密度为1.6万~2.0万株、种肥及苗肥共施30~35 kg尿素。
      To explore the optimal sowing date, planting density and fertilizer dosage of Yunhua Oil Early Maturing No.1 which was special high quality rapeseed variety for Yunnan Province mountainous areas, and to realize the combination of the good breeding and high yield cultivation techniques. Using three-factor and three-level orthogonal test, we had studied the optimal sowing date, planting density and fertilizer dosage of Yunhua Oil Early Maturing No.1 and their effects on main agronomic traits and yield in four different altitude regions from August 2014 to April 2016. The effects of three factors on yield from big to small was A (sowing date) >B (planting density)>C (urea dosage), sowing date and planting density had a significant impacts on yield. Sowing date showed significant impacts on growth period, lodging index, powdery mildew disease index, effective pods per plant, grain number per pod, 1000-grain weight and yield per plant; effective pods per plant, 1000-grain weight and yield per plant decreased with increasing planting density; urea dosage had no significant impacts on the growth period and agronomic traits. The optimal sowing date, planting density and fertilizer dosage for Yunhua Oil Early Maturing No.1 in Yuxi rapeseed planting mountain area were August 25-30, (1.6-2.0)×104 plants /667m2 and urea 30-35 kg/667m2.
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