王跃能,李大肥,李鹏飞,杨 细,何文炜,蒋福昌,许 龙,李水平.文山烟区海拔和气象因子对烟叶化学成分的影响[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(10):23-29
查看全文    HTML 文山烟区海拔和气象因子对烟叶化学成分的影响
Effects of altitude and meteorological factors on chemical composition of tobacco leaves in Wenshan
中文关键词: 烤烟  化学成分  海拔  气象因子  灰色关联分析  典型相关分析
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  chemical components  altitude  meteorological factors  grey correlation analysis  canonical correlation analysis
王跃能,李大肥,李鹏飞,杨 细,何文炜,蒋福昌,许 龙,李水平 云南省烟草公司文山州公司云南 文山 663000 
摘要点击次数: 2163
全文下载次数: 896
      In order to find out the effect ofecological conditions onthe quality of tobacco leaves.Tookgrey correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis as methods, this paper studied the relationship between major meteorological factors and chemical compositionsof flue-cured tobacco in Wenshan. The results indicated that the variation coefficients of meteorological factors ranged from 2.12% to 7.05%, the variation coefficients of total nitrogen, nicotine, water-soluble total sugar, reducing sugar, potassium and petroleum ether extracts ranged from 12.31% to 20.39%, the climatic conditions and chemical compositions of tobacco leaves had good consistencies onthe tobacco-growing areas in Wenshan, and the chemical compositions of tobacco leaves had typical characteristics of the Southwest Plateau- sweet green scenttype. The total nitrogen, water-soluble sugar and reducing sugar of tobacco leaves were mainly affected by sunshine in field stage(The correlation coefficients were 0.4541, 0.4184, 0.3909, respectively), while the contents of nicotine, potassium and petroleum ether extracts were mainly affected by air humidity (The correlation coefficients were 0.4586, 0.4309, 0.4040, respectively). The content of chlorine and starch was mainly affected by the average temperature in fieldstage (The correlation coefficients were 0.5161, 0.5002, respectively), and the altitude hadsmall impact on the main chemical components of tobacco leaves. In a certain range, with the decrease of sunshine hours in the field stage, or the rainfall increased, the content of potassium of tobacco leaves increased, and the content of reducing sugar decreased. The content of chloride and reducing sugar of tobacco decreased with the increase of altitude and the decrease of field average temperature.
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