聂 艳,马泽玥,谭 盈,吴红霞.基于收入最大化模型的农户适度经营规模测算研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(10):166-172
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Research on the moderate scale management measure of farmers based on income maximization model
中文关键词: 经营规模  适度规模  农用地  收入最大化模型
英文关键词: scale operation  suitable scale  agricultural land  income maximization model
聂 艳,马泽玥,谭 盈,吴红霞 华中师范大学湖北经济与社会发展研究院湖北 武汉 430079 
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      农业生产规模化是我国农业现代化道路的必然发展方向,农地适度规模经营既能克服耕地细碎化,也能提高农业生产效率。以江汉平原潜江市为研究区,在详细分析176份问卷调查数据的基础上,结合Eviews 10、C-D生产函数和农户收入最大化模型,定量测算农户适度经营规模范围。结果表明,C-D生产函数模拟模型的线性回归系数为0.96,拟合系数为0.93,模型拟合精度较高,劳动力产出弹性(α)、固定资本产出弹性(β1)、流动资本产出弹性(β2 )和土地产出弹性(γ)的估计值分别为0.6198、0.1335、0.2699、0.8342;再结合统计数据借助农户收入最大化模型测算得到2016年潜江市户均和劳均农地适度经营规模分别为3.79~4.43、1.77~2.06 hm2;对比验证表明测算结果具有一定的合理性。提出培育新型经营主体创新经营模式、科学把握规模经营度,发挥农地规模效率和优势等加强潜江市农地流转、提高农地经营效益的对策建议。研究结果对有序推进农地流转和农业适度规模经营,提高土地利用效率,助力乡村振兴具有一定的参考价值。
      The optimal scale of farmland was an important theory which was the basis of farmland circulation and moderate scale operation, it’s important and profound meanings for the realization of the so-called “second leap of agricultural development in China”. Based on the statistical analysis of the survey data of 176 rural households, the cobb-douglas production function and the model of income maximization, this paper calculated the value of the moderate scale in agricultural production. The results showed that the fitting accuracy of C-D production function was higher, the coefficient of linear regression was 0.96, and the fitting coefficient was 0.93. The estimated value of α, β1, β2 , γwere 0.6198, 0.1335, 0.2699 and 0.8342, respectively. The moderate scale of operation for the average household and per labour force in Qianjiang City were 3.79-4.43 hm2 and 1.77-2.06 hm2, respectively in 2016. The current scale of operation of the average household and per labour force was 0.8977 hm2 and 0.4189 hm2, respectively. The verification results showed that the above model measurement results had a certain degree of rationality. According to the results of this study, some policy suggestions of fostering large-scale farmers as the important new agricultural management subjects an promoting the large-scale management of agriculture were put forward.
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