王再花1,容静东2,王玉丰2,詹速湖2,李 杰1.‘中天’玫瑰在广东怀集引种栽培及花朵营养成分分析[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(11):28-34
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Introduction, cultivation and nutritional analysis of‘Zhongtian’rose in Huaiji, Guangdong
中文关键词: ‘中天’玫瑰  引种  花产量  活性成分  营养成分  抗氧化活性
英文关键词: ‘Zhongtian’ rose  introduction  flower yield  active ingredient  nutrient  antioxidant activity
王再花1,容静东2,王玉丰2,詹速湖2,李 杰1 1.广东省农业科学院环境园艺研究所/广东省园林花卉种质创新综合利用重点实验室/ 农业农村部华南都市农业重点实验室广东 广州 510640 2.广东华辰玫瑰现代农业科技发展有限公司广东 肇庆 526400 
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      以广东肇庆怀集县引种种植的‘中天’玫瑰为试材,比较了1年生、2年生和3年生苗的农艺性状,测定了玫瑰花的氨基酸、矿质元素、多糖、总酚和总黄酮等营养成分含量,并评估了其抗氧化能力和重金属与农药残留情况。结果表明,‘中天’玫瑰能在广东怀集种植,全年可开花4~5次。玫瑰花中检测到16种氨基酸(含7种必需氨基酸),氨基酸总量为干重的7.42%,药效氨基酸占比达65.77%,氨基酸比值系数分(SRC)为74.96。花朵活性成分多糖、总酚和总黄酮含量分别为31.77%、6.31%和3.14%,并含有Ca、K、Mg、Zn、Cu、Mn、Fe等7种矿质元素,且K和Mn含量较高。抗氧化试验结果表明,花朵提取液浓度为0.25 mg/mL时对ATBS的清除率达92.10%,与对照维生素C(Vc)无显著差异;而提取液浓度为0.06 mg/mL时,对DPPH的清除率高达96.02%,也与Vc无显著差异。总砷(As)、铅(Pb)和镉(Cd)3种重金属和5种农药残留均符合相关标准。综合来看,‘中天’玫瑰适宜在广东肇庆怀集县种植,且具有较高的食用、药用和保健价值。
      ‘Zhongtian’rose was introduced in Huaiji, Guangdong, and the agronomic traits were compared among the 1-year , 2-year and 3-year seedlings . The contents of amino acids, mineral elements, polysaccharides, total phenols and total flavonoids were tested, and their antioxidant capacity,the contents of heavy metal and pesticide residues were also evaluated. The results showed that the rose grew well in Huaiji bloomed four or five times a year. Sixteen amino acids (including 7 essential amino acids) were detected in the flowers. The total amount of amino acids was 7.42% of dry weight, the ratio of medicinal amino acids was 65.77%, and the ratio coefficient of amino acids (SRC) was 74.96. Flowers contained 7 mineral elements including Ca, K, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe, the contents of K and Mn were higher. In addition, the contents of polysaccharides, total phenols and flavonoids in flowers were 31.77%, 6.31% and 3.14%, respectively. The antioxidant test showed that the scavenging rate of ATBS was up to 92.10% at the concentration of 0.25 mg/mL for flower extract, while the DPPH scavenging rate was as high as 96.02% at the concentration of 0.06 mg/mL. The three heavy metals of ars enic, lead and cadmium and five pesticide residues all met relevant standards. In conclusion, 'Zhongtian' rose is suitable for planting in Huaiji, and has higher food, medical and health values.
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