蓝燕群,陈杰连,张 谦,连辉明,汪迎利,陈一群,周平川,蔡燕灵.木荷无性系苗期生长性状变异研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(11):40-45
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Study on variation of growth traits in seedling stage of Schima superba
中文关键词: 木荷  优树  嫁接无性系  生长表现  叶绿素含量
英文关键词: Schima superba  excellent tree  grafted clone  growth performance  chlorophyll content
蓝燕群,陈杰连,张 谦,连辉明,汪迎利,陈一群,周平川,蔡燕灵 广东省林业科学研究院广东 广州 510520 
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      以来自广东20多个县市的211个木荷优树培育嫁接无性系为试材,分析无性系苗期生长性状在种源间和无性系间的变异情况,探讨苗高、地径等生长量及叶片SPAD值与优树原产地气候、地理因子之间的相关性。结果表明,1年生木荷苗高、地径、冠幅的平均值为45.57、0.72、30.00 cm;各生长性状在种源间和无性系间均存在显著差异,其中,粤中丘陵山地种源的苗高生长较快;选出10个生长表现较好的无性系,其树高、地径和冠幅比群体均值提高58.4%、28.5%和42.4%。相关性分析表明,木荷无性系大部分性状间的相关性在中等以上,而与气候、地理因子均无显著相关性。木荷种源间、无性系间叶片SPAD值的差异性极显著,说明不同木荷种源间、无性系间的叶片叶绿素相对含量也有差异。SPAD值与生长性状、气候、地理因子均没有显著相关性,表明叶绿素相对含量不受生长性状以及原生地气候、地理因子影响。而叶片不同部位的SPAD值差异极显著:叶基>叶中>叶尖。各部位间的相关系数达到0.96以上,叶中与叶片SPAD均值的相关系数达0.99,可直接测取叶中部位的数据进行分析,快速测定叶片SPAD值。
      Grafted clones of Schima superba were cultivated from 211 supper trees in more than 20 counties in Guangdong Province. The variation of seedling growth traits between provenances and clones were analyzed. It showed that the average values of annual seedling height, ground diameter and crown width were 45.57cm, 0.72cm and 30.00cm, respectively. There were significant differences between the provenances and the clones. Among them, the seedlings of the central Guangdong hilly region grew higher than other provenances. 10 clones with better growth performance were selected, and the selected gains of height, ground diameter and crown width were 58.4%, 28.5% and 42.4%, respectively. Most of the correlations among traits of the clones were above intermediate level, and the growth traits had no significant correlations with climate and geographical factors. There were significant differences in SPAD value of leaves both among provenances and clones, indicating that there were differences in chlorophyll content of leaves among different provenances and clones. SPAD value had no significant correlation with growth traits, climate and geographical factors, indicating that chlorophyll content was not affected by growth traits, climate and geographical factors. The difference of SPAD value in different parts of leaves was very significant: leaf base > leaf middle> leaf tip. The correlation coefficients among different positions of leaves were more than 0.96, and the correlation coefficient between the mean SPAD value of leaves and of leaf middle was 0.99. It showed that leaf SPAD value could be quickly determined by measuring and analyzed the SPAD value of the leaf middle.
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