罗义灿1,章 勇1,刘家莉1,田发军1,曾鑫年1,钟广炎2.粤东粤北柑桔病虫草害调查及农药使用状况分析[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(11):81-88
查看全文    HTML 粤东粤北柑桔病虫草害调查及农药使用状况分析
Investigation on the status of citrus pests occurrence and pesticide application in northeastern Guangdong
中文关键词: 柑桔病虫草害  农药种类  农药占比  减施措施  减施增效
英文关键词: citrus pests  pesticidespecies  pesticide accounting  reduction measures  reduction of efficiency
罗义灿1,章 勇1,刘家莉1,田发军1,曾鑫年1,钟广炎2 罗义灿1章 勇1刘家莉1田发军1曾鑫年1钟广炎2 
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      了解广东柑桔病虫草害发生及农药使用情况,给广东柑桔农药减施增效技术的合理制定奠定基础。采用定点调查法,调查了惠州、韶关、梅州市27个乡镇柑桔病虫草害的种类、分布及用药情况,明确农药使用的种类、各类农药在各地区的占比情况。结果表明,主要发生的病害有柑桔炭疽病、柑桔溃疡病,主要虫害有柑桔木虱、红蜘蛛、柑桔潜叶蛾,主要草害有牛筋草、龙葵、狗尾草。使用的农药品种约有50种,各药剂种类的比例为25(杀虫剂)∶22(杀菌剂)∶4(除草剂),杀虫剂是当前果农使用种类和数量最多的一类农药。使用的杀虫剂中有机磷类>杀螨剂类>烟碱种类=拟除虫菊酯类>大环内酯类>季酮酸类=氨基甲酸酯类,其占比分别为28.0%、24.0%、14.2%、14.2%、8.0%、4.0%、4.0%;使用的杀菌剂中唑类杀菌剂>含铜杀菌剂>有机硫杀菌剂>取代苯类杀菌剂=复配杀菌剂>抗菌素类杀菌剂=其他杀菌剂,其占比分别为45.5%、22.7%、13.6%、9.1%、9.1%、4.5 %、4.5 %;除草剂主要使用草甘膦、草铵膦。在所调查的地区中,柑桔病虫草害方面没有发现新的病害、虫害及草害,在用药方面,各地区化学农药使用普遍不合理。
      To understand the incidence of citrus pests and pesticide use in 27 townships of Huizhou, Shaoguan and Meizhou in the northeastern region of Guangdong Province, and to lay a foundation for the rational development of citrus pesticide reduction and efficiency in Guangdong Province. This study used a fixed-point survey to determine the type and distribution of citrus diseases in Guangdong Province. A comprehensive census method was used to clarify the types of pesticides used, the amount of pesticides used in each region, and their input. Survey results showed that the main diseases in Huizhou, Shaoguan, and Meizhou were citrus anthracnose and citrus canker. The main pests were: citrus hibiscus, red spider, and citrus leaf miner; The main weeds are Cowgrass, Solanum nigrum and Setaria; all investigated. There are 50 kinds of pesticide products used by farmers in the region, and the ratio of each type of pesticide is 25 (pesticides): 22 (bactericides): 4 (herbicides), pesticides are currently Farmers used the largest category and number of pesticides. In terms of pesticides, the proportion of various species in all surveyed regions was: Organophosphates>Acaricides> Nicotine Category = Pyrethroids> Macrolides> Tertiary ketones = carbamates,accounting for 28.0%, 24.0%, 14.2%, 14.2%, 8.0%, 4.0%, 4.0%; Bactericide used was: agent bactericide> copper bactericide> organic sulfur bactericide> substituted benzene bactericide = compound bactericide> antibacterial bactericide = other bactericide, accounting for: 45.5%, 22.7 %, 13.6%, 9.1%, 9.1%, 4.5%, 4.5%; Herbicides mainly use glyphosate and glufosinate. No new diseases pests and weeds were found in citrus in the surveyed areas. In terms of drug dosage, The use of chemical pesticides in various regions is generally unreasonable.
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