雷 佳 1,吕永华 2,李淮源 3,邓世媛 3,陈建军 3.烤烟碳氮代谢调节机理及其指标研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(12):20-26
查看全文    HTML 烤烟碳氮代谢调节机理及其指标研究进展
Advances on regulatory mechanism and index of carbon-nitrogen metabolism in flue-cured tobacco
中文关键词: 烤烟  碳代谢  氮代谢  调节机理  调控途径
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  carbon metabolism  nitrogen metabolism  regulatory mechanism  regulation pathway
基金项目:广东中烟工业有限责任公司科技项目(2016440000340013);湖南省烟草公司衡阳市公司科技项目 (201743040024098);广东省烟草专卖局(公司)科技项目(201202,201311);广东省烟草专卖局(公司)重大 科技专项(201101)
雷 佳 1,吕永华 2,李淮源 3,邓世媛 3,陈建军 3 1. 广东中烟工业有限责任公司广东 广州 510385 2. 广东省烟草专卖局(公司)广东 广州 510610 3. 华南农业大学烟草研究室广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 2027
全文下载次数: 896
      为研究烤烟碳氮代谢对烟叶产量和品质形成的作用机理,探寻提升烟叶质量的有效措施,综 述了烤烟碳氮代谢变化的基本规律、碳氮代谢调节的关键性位点及其研究现状,分析了碳代谢与氮代谢协 调性对烟叶品质形成的影响;概述了碳氮代谢指标最新研究结果,并结合课题组近 15 年研究结果,提出 叶片含水量、叶片汁液浓度、叶绿素含量及(1- 叶片含水量)/ 总氮含量(即叶片干物质含量 / 总氮含量) 等 4 种可用于反映烟叶碳氮代谢强度及其协调程度的易测指标。在此基础上,对今后烤烟碳氮代谢研究工 作进行了展望,认为优质烟叶的碳氮代谢基本规律、烟叶碳氮代谢指标体系、烟叶碳氮代谢调节分子机理 与调控途径、环境条件与烟叶碳氮代谢之间的关系将成为研究重点内容。
      To study the mechanism of carbon-nitrogen metabolism on the yield and quality formation in fluecured tobacco, and to seek effective measures to improve the quality,this paper summarized regulatory mechanism, the key point of the regulation and the advances on carbon-nitrogen metabolism. It reviewed the effects of coordination in carbon-nitrogen metabolism on quality formation in flue-cured tobacco and advances on its index. Combining the results of the author's research group in the past 15 years, it indicated leaf water content, sap concentration, chlorophyll content and the ratio of (100%-Leaf containing water) / total nitrogen content(namely leaf dry matter content/total nitrogen content) could be the measured indexes for reflecting the intensity and coordination degree of carbon-nitrogen metabolism. Besides, it forecasted that the features on carbon-nitrogen metabolism in high quality tobacco, the indexes of carbon-nitrogen metabolism, the molecular mechanism and regulation pathway of carbonnitrogen metabolism, and the relation between ecological conditions and carbon-nitrogen metabolism could be the focus part in the future.
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