查看全文    HTML 微生物在农业废弃物堆肥应用中的研究进展
Research Progress of Microbe in Agricultural Waste Composting
中文关键词: 微生物  农业废弃物  堆肥  生物因子  研究进展
英文关键词: microorganism  agricultural waste  composting  biological factors  research progress
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项 ( CARS-18-01A)
黄金枝,胡桂萍,俞燕芳,杜贤明,石旭平,王军文 江西省蚕桑茶叶研究所 / 江西省蚕桑工程技术研究中心江西 南昌 330202 
摘要点击次数: 1920
全文下载次数: 778
      近年来,农业废弃物资源污染和浪费问题日趋严重,已经成为世界各国共同面临且亟需解决的问 题。利用微生物的氧化还原和合成能力,可将废弃物里有机质分解为腐殖质或合成有效态矿质元素,形成绿色、 稳定、安全的有机肥。堆肥化是实现农业废弃物无害化、减量化处理有效而经济的重要措施。而微生物是加快 有机固体废弃物分解速度的关键,是堆肥化处理重要的生物因子。简述了我国农业废弃物堆肥处理中的常用微 生物,堆肥处理技术,以及微生物在农业废弃物堆肥中的应用,并对农业废弃物堆肥应用中存在的问题进行探 讨和展望,针对我国农业废弃物资源化利用的发展趋势提出一些建议和方向,以期为我国农业废弃物资源化利 用提供一定的科学依据。
      In recent years, the pollution and profligacy of agricultural waste resources has become an increasingly serious problem, which was faced and solved by all the countries in the world. Based on the oxido-reduction and synthesis of microbe organic matter of agricultural waste was broken up into humus or synthesis into effective mineral element which is a green, stable and safe organic fertilizer. Composing was considered the effective and ecological measure of harming and reducing of agricultural waste. The microbe was the key of resolve speed during the composting and also the important biological factor. The common microorganisms used in agricultural waste composting, composting technology and the application of microorganisms in agricultural waste composting were described briefly in the paper. meanwhile, the problems of agricultural waste composting application were also discussed and prospected. Some suggestions of development trend about resource utilization were given, which could provide a certain scientific basis for the utilization of agricultural waste resources in China.
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