孙  雯1,王  月.广西南部地区 6 县(市)水稻高温热害灾损变化及应对策略[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(2):1-8
查看全文    HTML 广西南部地区 6 县(市)水稻高温热害灾损变化及应对策略
Changes of High-Temperature Damage to Double Cropping Rice of Six Counties (Cities) in Southwest Guangxi and Countermeasure
中文关键词: 高温热害  双季稻  广西  生育关键期  播种期
英文关键词: high temperature damage  double cropping rice  Guangxi  key growth period  sowing time
孙  雯1,王  月 1. 广西师范大学环境与资源学院广西 桂林 5410042. 岩溶生态与环境变化研究广西高校重点 实验室 / 珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室广西 桂林 541004 
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      【目的】研究广西南部地区高温热害综合指数与减产率的时空分布关系,探寻双季稻的高温热害 灾损的时空分布规律,为该区域水稻种植提供合理化建议,确保粮食安全。【方法】基于 Logistic 模型的高温 热害综合指数,评估广西南部地区 6 县(市)双季稻的高温热害灾损状况及时空变化规律。【结果】广西南部 地区 6 县(市)早稻的平均减产率从 20 世纪 80 年代的 7% 上升到 21 世纪初的 22.4%,晚稻的平均减产率从 20 世纪 80 年代的 17.6% 上升到 21 世纪初的 22.1%,高温热害是引起减产率增高的主要原因之一,水稻受高温 热害损失较严重。广西南部地区的双季稻受高温热害影响的强度各有不同,早稻受高温热害的强度波动上升, 最低的时间段在 20 世纪 90 年代,强度最高的在 21 世纪初。晚稻受高温热害的程度整体都不强,除 1990 年数 值特别高以外,趋势上没有产生剧烈波动。【结论】20 世纪 80 年代以来,早稻的生育关键期有部分时间不在 高温集中时间段内,可以在前期通过施加肥料或者喷施植物调节剂进行规避。晚稻则可以借鉴广东省试验结果, 在适当地区推迟播种期,在 7 月底左右播种,避开高温集中时段,确保粮食产量稳定。
      【Objective】This paper studied the temporal and spatial distribution relationship of comprehensive high temperature damage index and yield reduction rate in southwest Guangxi, and explored the spatial distribution law of high temperature damage to double cropping rice in order to provide reasonable suggestions for rice planting in this area to avoid losses and ensure food security.【Method】The comprehensive high temperature damage index, based on the Logistic model, were used to evaluate the high temperature damage situation and temporal and spatial variation of double cropping rice of 6 counties(cities) in southwest Guangxi.【Result】The results showed that the average reduction rate of early rice of the 6 counties(cities) in southwest Guangxi increased notably from 7% in 1980s to 22.4% in the early 21st century and the average reduction rate of late rice increased significantly from 17.6% in 1980s to 22.1% in the early 21st century. The high temperature was one of the main causes of the increase of reduction rate, and the loss of rice was serious because of high temperature. The intensity of double-cropping rice affected by high temperature damage was various in the different regions of southwest Guangxi, and the intensity of early rice affected by high temperature damage showed a rising trend in fluctuation, with the lowest intensity appearing in the 1990s while the highest intensity appearing in the early 21st century. The intensity of late rice affected by high temperature was weak and the intensity did not fluctuated sharply expect that the relatively high intensity appeared in 1990s.【Conclusion】 Since the 1980s, partial key growth stages of early rice did not fall into the period with high temperature, and this could be avoided by applying fertilizer or plant growth regulator at the early stage. For late rice, given the test results of Guangdong Province, the sowing time could be postponed to July to avoid the concentrated period of high temperature and ensure the stability of food security.
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