韩明升 1,2,王  翔 1 ,陈朝红 1 ,王世优 1 ,章金龙 1 ,马前涛 1 ,宋志姣 1.8 个云南省小白及种源生长差异比较与评价[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(2):23-31
查看全文    HTML 8 个云南省小白及种源生长差异比较与评价
Study on the Comparison and Evaluation of the Growth Differences of 8 Bletilla formosana Provenances from Yunnan Province
中文关键词: 小白及  物候分析  生长规律  种源评价
英文关键词: Key words:Bletilla formosana  phenological analysis  growth regularity  evaluation of provenance
基金项目:云南省教育厅科学研究基金(2017ZZX103);保山学院博士启动资金(17BS001);保山学院教学改革项目(16B002JGY);2017 年中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金保山学院资源环境学院高原特色农业创新团队建设项目
韩明升 1,2,王  翔 1 ,陈朝红 1 ,王世优 1 ,章金龙 1 ,马前涛 1 ,宋志姣 1 1. 保山学院资源环境学院云南 保山 6780002. 西南林业大学生命科学学院云南 昆明 650224 
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      【目的】了解不同种源小白及的物候和生长规律,为园林绿化和小白及产品开发和利用提供候选 种质资源。【方法】以云南省 8 个种源的 313 株野生小白及为研究对象,对其物候和株高、地径、叶片数、叶长、 叶宽、长宽比等生长指标进行比较,采用主成分分析法和综合指数选择法对小白及种质资源进行评价。【结果】 云南省小白及种质资源变异丰富,不同种源小白及发芽和开花时间不同;不同种源小白及株高、叶片数、叶长 和叶片长宽比均有极显著差异,地径差异显著,叶宽差异不显著。【结论】小尖山种源发芽最早、花期最长, 3 月中旬发芽,花期 75 d,可作为园林绿化候选种源。小么所和三角山种源生长指标较好,综合评价得分分别 为 4.822 和 1.687,可以作为优良的种质资源进行多点试验、亲本选择、杂交和家系测定等研究。
      【Objective】The present study explored the phenology and growth regularity of Bletilla formosana from different provenances in order to provide candidate germplasm resources for landscaping as well as the development and utilization of B. formosana products.【Method】By taking 313 stains of B. formosana from 8 different provenances in Yunnan Province as the research objects, the growth indexes such as their phenology and plant height, ground diameter, leaf number, leaf length, leaf width and length-width ratio were compared and the germplasm resources of B. formosana were evaluated by the principal component analysis and comprehensive index method.【Result】The variation of B. formosana germplasm resources was rich in Yunnan Province. The germination and flowering time of B. formosana of different provenances were various. There were extremely significant differences in plant height, leaf number, leaf length and length-width ratio of different B. formosana provenances, and there were significant differences in ground diameter,while there was no significant difference in leaf width.【Conclusion】The Xiaojianshan provenance had the earliest germination and the longest florescence, which sprouted in mid-March with a florescence of 75d, and this provenance could be used as a candidate for landscaping germplasm. The provenances in Sanjiaoshan and Xiaomesuo, with fairly good growth indexes, got the comprehensive evaluation scores of 4.822 and 1.687 respectively and could be used as excellent germplasm resources for further research on multi-point test, parental selection, hybridization and family determination .
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