李海明 1 ,李梅香 1 ,孟艳艳 1 ,宋发军1 ,戴甲培 2,李泽华 2,耿  红 1.外源 NO 对重楼种子活力及超弱发光的影响[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(2):32-38
查看全文    HTML 外源 NO 对重楼种子活力及超弱发光的影响
Effects of Exogenous NO on Seed Vigor and Ultra-weak Luminescence of Paris
中文关键词: 重楼种子  一氧化氮(NO)  自发超弱发光  电子倍增 CCD
英文关键词: seeds of Paris  nitric oxide (NO)  ultra-weak luminescence  electron multiplying CCD
李海明 1 ,李梅香 1 ,孟艳艳 1 ,宋发军1 ,戴甲培 2,李泽华 2,耿  红 1 1. 中南民族大学生命科学学院 / 生物技术国家民委重点实验室 / 武陵山区特色资源植物种质保护与利用湖北省 重点实验室湖北 武汉 4300742. 中南民族大学武汉神经科学与神经工程研究所湖北 武汉 430074 
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      【目的】探究 NO 对重楼种子萌发质量的改善效果,解决重楼种子萌发困难的问题,为重楼种子 促萌研究提供基础。【方法】以滇重楼和七叶一枝花的种子为研究对象,采用 100 μmol/L NO 供体—硝普钠处 理种子,以相同条件清水处理为对照,记录重楼种子萌发过程的形态变化和发芽率,并借助电子倍增式 CCD 的超弱光图像探测系统,检测种子在萌发期间的自发超弱发光强度,研究硝普钠处理后重楼种子自发超弱发光 强度的变化。【结果】硝普钠处理的种子比对照提前 20 d 萌发;在种子萌发后 0 ~ 30 d,对照与硝普钠处理的 种子自发超弱发光无显著差异;在萌发培养后 40 ~ 60 d,硝普钠处理种子的自发超弱发光强度明显高于对照。 【结论】在重楼种子萌发过程中,硝普钠处理具有明显改善种质、促进种子萌发的作用。
      【Objective】The objective of this paper was to investigate the effect of nitric oxide (NO) on the germination quality of Paris seeds so as to overcome difficulties in seed germination and to provide a basis for the research aiming at promoting Paris germination. 【Method】Seeds of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis and Paris polyphylla var. chinensis were selected as the objects of study and treated with 100 μmol/L NO donor-sodium nitroprusside. The seeds treated with water under the same conditions were taken as the control group to record the morphological changes and the germination rates and the electron multiplying CCD ultra-weak light image detection system was used to detect the spontaneous ultra-weak luminescence intensity of the seeds during germination to study the changes of the spontaneous ultra-weak illuminance intensity of the P. polyphylla seeds treated with sodium nitroprusside.【Result】The results showed that the seeds treated with sodium nitroprusside germinated 20 days earlier than the control seeds. There was no significant difference in spontaneous ultra-weak luminescence between the control group and the seeds treated with sodium nitroprusside 0-30 days after germination, and the luminescence intensity of seeds treated with sodium nitroprusside was significantly higher than that of the control group 40-60 days after germination.【Conclusion】Sodium nitroprusside treatment during seed germination of Paris significantly improved the germplasm and promoted germination.
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