宋凌元 1 ,涂翰卿 1 ,周昊天 1 ,赵  岩 1 ,赵金良 1 ,筴金华 2,张艳红 2,任炳琛 2.尼罗罗非鱼盐碱选育 F3、F4、F5 代鱼苗盐碱耐受性评估[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(2):130-136
查看全文    HTML 尼罗罗非鱼盐碱选育 F3、F4、F5 代鱼苗盐碱耐受性评估
Evaluation of Salinity-alkalinity Tolerance of F3, F4 and F5 Selected Generations of Oreochromis niloticus
中文关键词: 尼罗罗非鱼  选育 F3、F4 和 F5 代  盐度  碱度  半致死浓度
英文关键词: Oreochromis niloticus  the breeding of F3, F4 and F5  salinity  alkalinity  semi-lethal concentration
宋凌元 1 ,涂翰卿 1 ,周昊天 1 ,赵  岩 1 ,赵金良 1 ,筴金华 2,张艳红 2,任炳琛 2 1. 上海海洋大学 / 农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室 / 水产动物遗传育种中心上海市协同创新中心 / 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心上海 2013062. 河北中捷罗非鱼国家级良种场河北 沧州 061108 
摘要点击次数: 2010
全文下载次数: 649
      【目的】对尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)盐碱选育三、四和五代(F3、F4 和 F5)鱼苗的盐碱 耐受性进行评估,以期为盐碱选育尼罗罗非鱼提供基础资料。【方法】采用急性致死试验方法,分别测定了尼 罗罗非鱼盐碱选育 F3、F4 和 F5 代对盐、碱(NaHCO3)以及混合盐碱的耐受指标。【结果】在急性致死条件下, F3、F4和 F5代鱼苗 96 h盐度半致死浓度分别为 22.473、24.468、23.833 g/L。96 h碱度半致死浓度分别为 8.256、8.443、 8.453 g/L。混合盐碱试验中,盐度为 10 g/L时,无死亡情况出现;盐度为 15 g/L时,96 h碱度半致死浓度分别为 4.612、 4.538、4.883 g/L;盐度为 20 g/L 时,96 h 碱度半致死浓度分别为 1.861、1.875、1.782 g/L。各急性试验下,F4 和 F5 的半致死浓度值差异均不显著;急性盐度试验,F4 和 F5 盐度半致死浓度显著高于 F3;急性碱度试验和盐碱混 合试验,F4 和 F5 半致死浓度与 F3 差异不显著。【结论】尼罗罗非鱼盐碱选育 F5 代鱼苗盐碱耐受性趋于稳定。
      【Objective】The salinity and alkalinity tolerance of the third, fourth and fifth generation (F3, F4 and F5) of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was evaluated in order to provide basic data for the salinity and alkalinity breeding of Nile tilapia.【Method】The acute lethal test method was used to determine the tolerance of salt, alkali (NaHCO3) andsalinityalkalinity to the F3, F4 and F5 generation of Nile tilapia. 【Result】The results showed that under the acute lethal condition, the semi-lethal concentrations of 96h salinity of F3, F4 and F5 generations were 22.473 g/L, 24.468 g/L and 23.833 g/L, respectively; while the semi-lethal concentrations of 96h alkalinity were 8.256 g/L, 8.443 g/L and 8.453 g/L, respectively. In the salinity-alkalinity experiment, when the salinity was 10 g/L, there was no death. When the salinity was 15 g/L, the semilethal concentrations of 96 h alkalinity were 4.612 g/L, 4.538 g/L and 4.83 g/L, respectively. When the salinity was 20 g/L, the semi-lethal concentrations of 96 h alkalinity were 1.861 g/L, 1.875g/L and 1.782 g/L, respectively. Under the acute test, there was no significant difference between F4 and F5 selected generations in semi-lethal concentrations of salinity, alkalinity and salinity-alkalinity. Under the acute salinity test, salinity semi-lethal concentrations of F4 and F5 were significantly higher than those of F3 .Under the acute alkalinity test and the salinity-alkalinity test, the semi-lethal concentrations of F4 and F5 were not significantly different from those of F3 .【Conclusion】The results showed that the salt and alkali tolerance of F5 selected generation of Nile tilapia was stable.
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