李  卓 1 ,张 棋 2,张雄峰 1 ,张启明 1 ,何宽信.江西烤烟淀粉近红外检测模型的建立[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(3):135-143
查看全文    HTML 江西烤烟淀粉近红外检测模型的建立
Establishment of Near-infrared Quantitative Model for Starch Content in Flue-cured Tobacco of Jiangxi Province
中文关键词: 江西烤烟  近红外光谱  定量分析  化学计量学  淀粉
英文关键词: Jiangxi flue-cured tobacco  near infrared spectroscopy  quantitative analysis  chemometrics  starch
基金项目:江西省烟草专卖局重点项目(赣烟 201301006)
李  卓 1 ,张 棋 2,张雄峰 1 ,张启明 1 ,何宽信 1. 江西省烟草科学研究所江西 南昌 3300002. 泸州市环境监测中心站四川  泸州 646000 
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      【目的】传统的碘显色法检测淀粉含量需要复杂耗时的前处理和实验准备,近红外检测手段不仅 操作简单、检测快速,且不损耗试剂、样品、标准品,大大降低了检测成本,旨在以江西烤烟样品为依托,建 立一种适用于江西烤烟的淀粉近红外检测模型。【方法】收集了来自江西 21 个区县共 650 个烤烟样品的近红外 光谱和对应的连续流动分析仪检测数据(碘显色法),将光谱数据和化学分析数据一一对应,使用不同的回归 方法和数据处理方法进行建模,通过比较它们的均方根误差和相关系数确定最佳的模型参数。【结果】建立了 适用于江西烤烟的淀粉含量预报模型,校正均方根误差和预测均方根误差分别达到 0.407、0.490,相关系数为 96.52%,并用外部样品对模型进行了验证,95% 的样品误差在 10% 以内。【结论】该模型可用于快速检测江西 烤烟样品中的淀粉含量,并可在一定程度上取代传统的碘显色测淀粉法,降低了检测成本,提高了分析效率。
      【Objective】The traditional iodine colorimetry method requires complex and time-consuming pretreatment and experimental preparation. The near-infrared detection method not only has the advantages of simple operation and rapid detection, but also does not consume reagents, samples and standards, which greatly reduces the detection cost. This paper aimed to establish a near-infrared detection model suitable for the starch in Jiangxi flue-cured tobacco based on Jiangxi flue-cured tobacco samples. 【Method】The near-infrared spectra and corresponding continuous flowing analyzer detection data(iodine colorimetry) of 650 flue-cured tobacco samples from 21 districts and counties in Jiangxi Province were collected, then the detection model was established by using different regression methods and data processing methods with the spectral data and chemical analysis data in one-to-one correspondence, and the best model parameters were determined by comparing their root mean square(RMS) errors and correlation coefficients. 【Result】A starch content prediction model suitable for Jiangxi flue-cured tobacco was established. The RMS errors of calibration and the prediction were 0.407 and 0.490 respectively, and the correlation coefficient was 96.52%.The model was verified by external samples and the errors of 95% of the samples were within 10%. 【Conclusion】The model reduced the detection cost and improved the analysis efficiency, which could be used for the rapid detection of the starch content in Jiangxi fluecured tobacco samples and replace the traditional iodine colorimety method to a certain extent .
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