何晓琳 1 ,施玉珍 2,殷学贵 1 ,杨  婷 1 ,陆建农 1.蓖麻镶嵌系与雌性系间的生理差异研究[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(4):8-14
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Study on Physiological Differences Between ISF Line and Pistillate Line of Ricinus communis L.
中文关键词: 蓖麻  雌性系  镶嵌系  光合效率  可溶性营养物质  内源激素
英文关键词: Ricinus communis L.  pistillate line  ISF line  photosynthetic efficiency  soluble nutrients  endogenoushormones
何晓琳 1 ,施玉珍 2,殷学贵 1 ,杨  婷 1 ,陆建农 1 1. 广东海洋大学农学院广东 湛江 5240882. 广东海洋大学化学与环境学院广东 湛江 524088 
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      【目的】研究蓖麻镶嵌系与雌性系间的生理差异,为蓖麻性别分化调控及其育种应用提供参考。 【方法】以相同遗传背景的蓖麻镶嵌系和蓖麻雌性系为材料,分别在现蕾期和盛花期对叶片叶绿素相对含量、 净光合速率、可溶性营养物质及内源激素进行分析。【结果】现蕾期,镶嵌系蓖麻的可溶性糖和细胞分裂素含 量显著高于雌性系,比雌性系分别高 36.9%、61.5%,赤霉素含量显著低于雌性系,为 25.6%。盛花期,蓖麻镶 嵌系叶绿素相对含量、净光合速率、赤霉素、生长素和乙烯含量比雌性系显著升高,分别为 15.2%、23.3%、 13.8%、33.5%、73.8%,可溶性糖、可溶性淀粉和脱落酸含量显著下降,分别为 38.0%、54.9%、14.8%。【结论】 蓖麻镶嵌雄花的形成先以可溶性糖和细胞分裂素增加为特征,之后伴随营养物质消耗的增加、叶绿素含量与净 光合速率的上升和赤霉素、生长素与乙烯水平的提高以及脱落酸水平的降低。
      【Objective】The objective of this study was to analyze the physiological differences between the ISF line and the pistillate line of Ricinus communis L. and provide reference for the sex differentiation regulation of R. communis L. and its application in R. communis L. breeding.【Method】The chlorophyll relative content, net photosynthetic rate, soluble nutrients and endogenous hormones in leaves were analyzed at the bud stage and flowering stage by using the highly homozygous ISF line and pistillate line with the same genetic background as tested materials. 【Result】At the bud stage, the contents of soluble sugar and cytokinin of ISF line were significantly higher than those of pistillate line, with the increase of 36.9% and 61.5%, respectively and the gibberellin content of ISF line was significantly lower than that in pistillate line, with a decrease of 25.6%. At the flowering stage, the chlorophyll relative content, net photosynthetic rate, gibberellin, auxin and ethylene content in the ISF line were significantly higher than those in the pistillate line, with the increase by 15.2%, 23.3%, 13.8%, 33.5% and 73.8% respectively, while the contents of soluble sugar, soluble starch and abscisic acid significantly decreased by 38.0%, 54.9% and 14.8%, respectively.【Conclusion】The formation of ISF was characterized by the increase of soluble sugar and cytokinin, followed by the obvious increase of nutrient consumption, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, contents of gibberellin, auxin and ethylene, and the decrease of abscisic acid concentration.
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