张大斌,许翔宇,凌立文,李  倩.精准扶贫背景下农产品种植流通体系 DEA 绩效评价 ——以广东省英德市鱼咀村为例[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(4):146-155
查看全文    HTML 精准扶贫背景下农产品种植流通体系 DEA 绩效评价 ——以广东省英德市鱼咀村为例
DEA Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Products Planting and Circulating System in the Context of Precision Poverty Alleviation-- A case of Yuzui Village, Yingde City, Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 农产品流通  数据包络分析  投影分析  绩效评价  精准扶贫
英文关键词: agricultural products circulation  data envelopment analysis  projection analysis  performance evaluation  precision poverty alleviation
基金项目:教育部人文社科规划项目(16YJA630073);广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(GD15CGL16);广东 省自然科学基金(2016A030313402)
张大斌,许翔宇,凌立文,李  倩 华南农业大学数学与信息学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 2035
全文下载次数: 690
      【目的】减贫和消贫是世界各国共同面临的难题,自习近平总书记提出精准扶贫的战略思想后, 如何科学评价精准扶贫项目的实施成效,提高评估的科学性与公信力成为新的研究热点。【方法】以广东省英 德市鱼咀村在精准扶贫政策背景下构建的“五位一体”农产品种植流通体系为研究对象,运用数据包络分析(DEA) 模型,对流通体系中 12 种农产品进行投入产出效率分析,并基于投影分析的结果优化非 DEA 有效的决策单元。 【结果】(1)土地规模成本是资源总成本中的重要组成部分,占比高达 63.7%;(2)除番薯外,其余农产品 均未达到 DEA 有效的产出效率;(3)对未达到有效产出效率的农产品进行投影分析,发现土地投入可减少约 10%、资金投入可减少 5%~15%,应简化销售模式和节约包装加工成本。【结论】“五位一体”精准扶贫体系通 过有效整合各种资源,为如期完成精准扶贫任务奠定坚实基础。投影分析结果为优化农产品资源投入提供切实 可行的方案,如何进一步提高扶贫资源的产出效率,将成为下一阶段精准扶贫工作的思考重点。
      【Objective】Poverty reduction and poverty eradication are the common challenges for all countries of the world. The scientific and credible evaluation on the performance of the poverty alleviation project has become a hot research topic since General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the strategic thought of "Precision“Poverty Alleviation”. 【Method】 Guided by the policies of precision poverty alleviation, the Yuzui Village of Guangdong Province constructed the“Five-in-One”agricultural products planting and circulating system. This paper used the data envelopment analysis (DEA) model to analyze the input-output efficiency of 12 agricultural products in the circulating system and optimized the non-DEA effective decision-marking units based on the results of projection analysis. 【Result】: (1) The scale cost of land was an important part of the total resource cost, accounting for up to 63.7%. (2) Except for sweet potato, all the other products did not achieve the optimal input-output efficiency of DEA . (3) A projection analysis on non-DEA agricultural products was conducted and it was found that land investment could be reduced by about 10% and capital investment could be reduced by 5%-15%. The sales models should be simplified and the cost of packaging and processing should be saved. 【Conclusion】The“Five-in-One”Precision Poverty Alleviation System laid a solid foundation for completing the task of precision poverty alleviation by effectively integrating various resources. The results of projection analysis provided practical and feasible solutions for optimizing the input of agricultural resources. How to further improve the output efficiency of poverty alleviation resources will become the focus of precision poverty alleviation work of the next phase.
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