李  佳 1,马雅恬 2,罗建利 2.供应链金融视角下农民合作社的融资模式[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(4):165-172
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Financing Mode of Farmers’Cooperative from the Perspective of Supply Chain Finance
中文关键词: 关键词:农
英文关键词: farmers’cooperative  supply chain finance  financing  case study
李  佳 1,马雅恬 2,罗建利 2 1. 浙江东方职业技术学院财经学院浙江 温州 3250112. 温州大学商学院浙江 温州 325035 
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      【目的】农民合作社是农村人口脱贫的理想载体,也是有效的反贫困经济组织。然而作为促进农 民合作、提高农民生产力与创造力的主要途径,合作社正面临着资金短缺、融资困难的困境。将供应链金融的 思想引进合作社融资是解决这一困境的有效途径,为进一步揭示农民合作社在供应链融资模式选择上的黑箱, 对农民合作社融资模式的选择作一个新的解释。【方法】运用案例分析法对 6 个典型案例进行分析,从融资渠 道和融资方式两个维度构建了 6 种新模式:特色农业融资、标准化农业融资、上游特色农业融资、下游特色农 业融资、上游标准化农业融资和下游标准化农业融资。【结果】研究发现,现有的成功案例中,农民合作社虽 然规模大小不同、从事农业方向不同,但只要把握好农民合作社本身基因,如合作社资金需求大小、资金缺口 阶段以及资金需求时长等,农民合作社供应链融资模式选择并非无迹可寻。【结论】突破了以往单纯从经济绩 效探讨的局限,从源头说明供应链金融视角下的农民合作社融资模式,为农民合作社对不同融资模式的选择提 供了一个参考框架。
      【Objective】 Farmers’cooperative is an ideal carrier for rural populations to get rid of poverty and serves as an effective anti-poverty economic organization. However, as a major way to promote farmers’cooperation and improve farmers’productivity and creativity, farmers’cooperative is facing fund shortage, financing difficulty and other challenges. Introducing the idea of supply chain finance into cooperative financing can effectively solve the above-mentioned dilemma, further disclose the“black box”that farmers’cooperative may encounter when selecting supply chain financing mode, and explain the selection of financing mode of farmers’cooperative in a new way.【Method】 Six typical cases were analyzed by case analysis method, and six new modes were established based on two dimensions of financing channel and financing method, i.e. featured agriculture financing, standardized agriculture financing, upstream featured agriculture financing, downstream featured agriculture financing, upstream standardized agriculture financing, and downstream standardized agriculture financing. 【Result】The results showed that among the existing successful cases, regardless of different scales and directions of farmers’cooperative, an appropriate supply chain financing mode for farmers’cooperative could be found according to the features of the farmers’cooperative (e.g. amount of funds demanded by farmers’cooperative, financing gap stage and fund demand duration). 【Conclusion】This paper breaks through the limitation of the exploration of economic performance in the previous researches, and explains the financing mode of farmers’cooperatives from the perspective of supply chain finance from the source, which provides a reference framework for farmers’cooperatives to choose different financing modes.
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