李集勤 1 ,杨少海 1 ,卢钰升 2,顾文杰 2,刘 阳 4,刘 兰 3,李淑玲 1 ,陈俊标 1.改良剂对烟叶产质量、土壤理化性质及土壤酶活性的影响[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(5):9-15
查看全文    HTML 改良剂对烟叶产质量、土壤理化性质及土壤酶活性的影响
Effects of Soil Amendments on Tobacco Yield and Quality, Soil Physical and Chemical Properties and Soil Enzyme Activities
中文关键词: 土壤改良剂  烤烟  沙泥田  生物炭
英文关键词: soil amendment  flue-cured tobacco  sandy soil field  bio-carbon
基金项目:广东省烟草专卖局科技计划项目(粤烟科专项 201702,粤烟科专项 201701)
李集勤 1 ,杨少海 1 ,卢钰升 2,顾文杰 2,刘 阳 4,刘 兰 3,李淑玲 1 ,陈俊标 1 1. 广东省农业科学院作物研究所 / 广东省农作物遗传改良重点实验室广东 广州 510640 2. 广东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所广东 广州 5106403. 广东烟草南雄科学研究所 广东 南雄 5124004. 广东烟草韶关市有限公司南雄分公司广东 南雄 512400 
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      【目的】筛选适合南雄烟区沙泥田土壤的改良剂。【方法】通过田间试验研究了不同土壤改良剂 对植烟沙泥田烟叶产质量和土壤理化性质等方面的影响。【结果】生物碳的土壤改良效果好于矿物质调理剂, 生物碳处理的烟叶产量、产值、上等烟比例和均价分别比对照高 20.00%、54.02%、84.18% 和 27.54%,差异均 达显著水平;生物碳处理烤后烟叶的烟碱、钾、总氮、氯、蛋白质含量均在适宜范围内,其糖碱比在 8~12 间, 烟叶化学成分较协调;生物碳和矿物质调理剂均能提高土壤 pH 值,改善土壤的理化性质,增加土壤中的有效养 分含量;生物碳能提高植烟土壤中的土壤酶活性,其交换性钙和交换性镁含量分别比对照高 30.75% 和 19.33%。【结 论】生物碳处理(1 500 kg/hm2)对提高南雄烟区沙泥田烟叶产质量和改善植烟土壤理化性质等方面的改良效果 较明显。
      【Objective】The objective of the study is to screen suitable soil amendments for sandy soil in Nanxiong tobacco-growing areas.【Method】The effects of different soil amendments on tobacco yield, quality and soil physical and chemical properties were studied through field experiment.【Result】The results showed that the soil amelioration effect of bio-carbon was better than that of mineral conditioner. The yield and output value of tobacco leaves treated with biocarbon were significantly higher than those of control group, with an increase of 20.00% and 54.02% respectively. And the proportion and average price of superior tobacco were 84.18% and 27.54% higher than those of control group. The nicotine content, potassium content, total nitrogen content, chlorine content and protein content of flue-cured tobacco treated with bio-carbon were within the appropriate range, the sugar-alkali ratio was between 8 and 12, and the chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco was more coordinated. Bio-carbon and mineral conditioners could improve soil pH, physical and chemical properties and effective nutrient contents in soil. Bio-carbon could improve soil enzyme activity in tobacco-growing soils, and its exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium contents were 30.75% and 19.33% higher than the control group, respectively.【Conclusion】 Bio-carbon treatment (1 500kg/hm2) had obvious effects on improving the yield and quality of tobacco leaves and the physical and chemical properties of soils in sandy soil of Nanxiong tobacco-growing areas.
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