武瑞瑞,黄家雄,杨 阳,李亚男,张晓芳,吕玉兰,何红艳,李贵平.4 种咖啡叶片叶绿素荧光参数日变化研究[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(5):16-24
查看全文    HTML 4 种咖啡叶片叶绿素荧光参数日变化研究
Diurnal Variation of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Four Varieties of Coffea Leaves
中文关键词: 卡蒂姆  大粒种  中粒种  叶绿素荧光参数  日变化  相关性分析
英文关键词: Coffea arabica Catimor  Coffea robusta  Coffea liberica  chlorophyll fluorescence parameters  diurnal variation  correlation analysis
基金项目:云 南 省 现 代 农 业 咖 啡 产 业 技 术 体 系 建 设 项 目(2017KJTX009-1); 国 家 重 点 研 发 计 划 项 目(2018YFD0201108 );云南省重点研发计划项目(2018ZG015)
武瑞瑞,黄家雄,杨 阳,李亚男,张晓芳,吕玉兰,何红艳,李贵平 云南省农科院热带亚热带经济作物研究所云南 保山 678000 
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      【目的】研究不同咖啡品种叶绿素荧光日变化规律及其与环境因子的相关性,探讨咖啡对环境的 适应性,为培育适应本地气候的咖啡品种提供基础。【方法】以大粒种咖啡、中粒种咖啡、小粒种咖啡卡蒂姆 2 和卡蒂姆 3 为材料,利用调制叶绿素荧光仪(英国汉莎 FMS-2)和手持叶绿素测定仪分别测定叶绿素荧光参数 和 SPAD。【结果】大粒种和卡蒂姆 2 的 Fo 日变化呈“M”型,中粒种和卡蒂姆 3 的 Fo 日变化呈倒“V”型。 在 15:00,大粒种的 Fo 有明显的下降,达到其低谷 183.20,中粒种达到其顶峰 262.60;卡蒂姆 3 在 17:00 达到 其顶峰 199.44;卡蒂姆 2 在全天大部分时间低于其他 3 个品种。4 个咖啡品种的 Fv/Fm 日变化均呈“V”型,除 了中粒种最低点 0.65 出现在 13:00 外,其余均在 15:00,分别为 0.60、0.66、0.65。相关性分析显示,中粒种 和卡蒂姆 3 与环境因子温度、相对湿度、太阳辐射强度都有相关性,而大粒种与相对湿度呈显著负相关,卡蒂 姆 2 与相对湿度呈显著正相关。这 4 个品种与 SPAD 值的相关性均未达到显著水平。【结论】在一天中,强光、 高温、低湿条件下,大粒种主要以增加热耗散进行自我保护,中粒种、卡蒂姆 2 和卡蒂姆 3 则主要以 PS Ⅱ反应 中心可逆失活和损坏为主要保护机制,且 4 个咖啡品种的 Fv/Fm 先降低后升高,说明卡蒂姆 2、卡蒂姆 3 和中粒 种的 PSII 反应中心可逆性失活;卡蒂姆 2 的 Fo 全天大部分时刻低于其他 3 个品种,且 Fv/Fm 值也较高,因此用 于光反应的能量较多。
      【Ojective】The objective was to study the diurnal variation of chlorophyll fluorescence of different Coffea varieties and its correlation with environmental factors, and to explore the adaptability of Coffea to the environment for providing a basis for the cultivation of Coffea varieties adapted to local climate. Study the adaptation of Coffea to their environment in order to provided references for breed varieties. 【Method】The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and SPAD of four Coffea cultivars(Coffea liberica, Coffea robusta, Coffea arabica Catimor 2 and Catimor 3) were measured by modulated chlorophyll fluorescence fluorometer (pulse-amplitude-modulation FMS-2) and hand-held chlorophyll analyzer respectively. 【Results】The diurnal variation of Fo of Coffea liberica and Coffea arabica Catimor 2 is in “M” shape, the diurnal variation of Fo of Coffea liberica and Coffea arabica Catimor 2 is in “M” shape, while that of Coffea robusta and Coffea arabica Catimor 3 is in “V” shape . At 15:00, Fo of Coffea liberica decreased significantly, with the minimum value 183.20, and that of Coffea robusta reached the maximum value of 262.60. At 17:00, Fo of Coffea arabica Catimor 3 reached the maximum value of 199.44. Fo of Coffea arabica Catimor 2 was lower than that of the other three Coffea varieties for most of the day session. The diurnal variation of Fv/Fm of four Coffea varieties is in “V” type curve. Except that the lowest point of Coffea robusta was 0.65 at 13:00, the other varieties were 0.60, 0.66 and 0.65 at 15:00 respectively. The correlation analysis showed that, Coffea robusta and Coffea arabica Catimor 3 have correlation with environmental factors such as temperature, relatively humidity and solar radiation intensity while Coffea liberica has a significant negative correlation with relative humidity and Coffea arabica Catimor 2 has a significant positive correlation with relative humidity. The correlation between SPAD and four varieties is not significant. 【Conclusion】In the day, under strong solar radiation, high temperature and low air humidity conditions, Coffea liberica protect itself mainly by increasing thermal dissipation, Coffea robusta, Coffea arabica Catimor 2 and Catimor 3 mainly take the reversible inactivation and damage of PSII reaction center as the protection mechanism. And Fv/Fm of four Coffea varieties decreases first and then increases, showing the reversible inactivation of PS Ⅱ reaction centre of Coffea arabica Catimor 2, Catimor 3 and Coffea robusta. Fo of Coffea arabica Catimor 2 is lower than that of the other three varieties for most of the day and its Fv/Fm is higher, so more energy is used for photoreaction.
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