桂 青,周立军,袁淑娜,潘 剑,黄坚雄,郑定华,陈俊明,李 娟.疣柄魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄采后生理生化变化研究[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(5):128-134
查看全文    HTML 疣柄魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄采后生理生化变化研究
Study on Physiological and Biochemical Changes of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Stalk and Taro Stalk After Harvest
中文关键词: 魔芋叶柄  芋头叶柄  贮藏温度  保鲜剂  品质
英文关键词: Amorphophallus paeoniifolius stalk  taro stalk  storage temperature  preservative  qualitygame  Kuhn-Tucker conditions
桂 青,周立军,袁淑娜,潘 剑,黄坚雄,郑定华,陈俊明,李 娟 中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所 / 中国热带农业科学院林下资源综合利用研究中心 / 农业农村部儋州热带作物科学观测试验站海南 儋州 571737 
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      【目的】为延长疣柄魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄采后保鲜期,对疣柄魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄采后的生理生 化变化进行初步研究。【方法】通过监测贮藏过程中芋柄中的水分含量、呼吸强度、糖类和粗纤维含量的变化, 探讨魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄在不同温度及添加保鲜剂条件下品质变化规律。【结果】疣柄魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄在 室温条件下储藏时间分别为 12、14 d;4℃条件下储藏时间分别可达 25、29 d;添加保鲜剂在室温条件下的贮藏 时间均为 13 d。整个贮藏过程中,芋柄的呼吸强度在 0.015 mg/kg·h 上下波动,魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄的初始含 水量分别为 93.63%、93.77%,室温条件下贮藏结束时魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄的含水量分别为 87.19%、86.29%;4℃ 条件下贮藏结束时魔芋叶柄和芋头叶柄的含水量分别为 92.15%、93.00%。4 ℃和室温条件对呼吸强度没有显著 影响;4℃条件能显著延缓芋柄在整个贮藏期水分的损失;4℃和添加保鲜剂在贮藏前期对还原糖、总糖和粗纤 维含量影响较大,对贮藏后期品质变化影响较小。【结论】保鲜剂仅能在一定程度上延缓贮藏过程中疣柄魔芋 叶柄和芋头叶柄中营养物质的变化,延长保鲜期的效果不明显,而在低温环境中贮存,水分损失和品质劣变缓慢, 能有效延长保质期,是一种比较适宜的贮存方式。
      【Objective】 In order to prolong the post-harvest preservation period of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk, the physiological and biochemical changes of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk were studied preliminarily. 【Methods】In this paper, the changes of water content, respiration rate, sugar and crude fiber content in the stalks were monitored to investigate the changes of the quality of A. paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk under different temperatures and preservative conditions. 【Results】The results showed that the storage time of A. paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk at room temperature was 12 d and 14 d, respectively, and the storage time was 25 d and 29 d under the temperature of 4℃ . The storage time of A. paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk with different preservatives added at room temperature was 13d. The respiratory intensity was low and fluctuated around 0.015 mg/kg.h CO2 during the storage period. The initial water contents of A. paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk were 93.63% and 93.77%, respectively. and at the end of storage, the water contents at room temperature were 87.19% and 86.29%, respectively, while the water contents under the temperature of 4℃ were 92.15% and 93.00%, respectively. There was no significant effect on respiratory intensity at 4℃ and room temperature (P>0.05). The loss of water content of the stalks could be significantly delayed during the whole storage period under the temperature of 4℃ (P<0.05). Under the conditions of 4℃ and adding with preservative, there was great influence on the contents of reducing sugar, total sugar and crude fiber at pre-storage period, and little effect on the quality change at the late stage of storage.【Conclusion】 The preservative could only delay the change of nutrients in A. paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk to a certain extent during the storage process, but it had no obvious effect on prolonging the preservation period. When the stalks were stored at low temperature, water loss and quality deterioration were slowed down, which could effectively prolong the shelf life, and was a more suitable storage method for A. paeoniifolius stalk and taro stalk after harvest.
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