郑丽旧1 ,陈俊谕 2,3,王康权 1 ,符悦冠 2,章程辉 3.胡瓜钝绥螨捕食茶黄蓟马实验种群生命表研究[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(6):93-98
查看全文    HTML 胡瓜钝绥螨捕食茶黄蓟马实验种群生命表研究
Study on Life Table of Laboratory Population of Amblyseiuscucumeris Oudemans Preying on Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood
中文关键词: 茶黄蓟马  胡瓜钝绥螨  生物防治  发育历期  存活率  生命表
英文关键词: Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood  Amblyseius cucumeris Oudemans  biological control  development duration  survival rate  life table
郑丽旧1 ,陈俊谕 2,3,王康权 1 ,符悦冠 2,章程辉 3 1. 海南大学林学院海南 海口 571101 2. 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所海南 海口 571101 3. 海南大学生态与环境学院海南 海口 571101 
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      【 目 的】 明 确 胡 瓜 钝 绥 螨(Amblyseius cucumeris Oudemans) 以 茶 黄 蓟 马(Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood)为食物的生长发育和繁殖情况,获得其种群增长参数,为利用胡瓜钝绥螨防治茶黄蓟马提供参考依据。 【方法】采用传统的生物学观察方法,在室内观测以茶黄蓟马为食物的胡瓜钝绥螨的各虫态发育历期、存活率、 成虫寿命和产卵量,并组建实验种群生命表,分析种群生命表参数。【结果】胡瓜钝绥螨雌成螨对茶黄蓟马的 取食量最大,每天可达 122 头,其次为若螨,幼螨不取食;以茶黄蓟马为食物的胡瓜钝绥螨世代发育历期为 9.98 d,存活率为 94%;雌成螨平均寿命为 24 d,平均单雌产卵量为 28 粒,成虫的大量死亡出现在产卵高峰之后。 胡瓜钝绥螨的净增殖力为 26.95,内禀增长率为 0.15,世代平均周期为 22.32 d,周限增长率为 1.16,种群倍增 所需时间为 4.70 d。【结论】以茶黄蓟马为猎物,胡瓜钝绥螨可完成其世代生长发育和繁殖,可作为茶黄蓟马 的捕食性天敌进行其生物防治。
      【Objective】The study was to clarify the growth, development and propagation of Amblyseius cucumeris Oudemans with Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood as prey, and the population growth parameters were obtained, which provided references for the control of S. dorsalis by using A. cucumeris. 【Method】The development duration, survival rate, adult longevity and fecundity of A. cucumeris with S. dorsalis as prey were observed indoors by using the traditional biological observation method, the life table of the laboratory population was established, and the life table parameters were analyzed. 【Result】The results showed that the feeding amount of female adult A. cucumeris was the largest, up to 122 individuals, follow by that of nymph and non-feeding of larvae. The development period of A. cucumeris with S. dorsalis as prey was 9.98 d, and the survival rate was 94%. The average longevity of adult female was 24 d, and the average per female oviposition was 28, and a large number of adult deaths occurred after the peak of oviposition. The net reproductive rate (Ro), intrisic rate of natural increase (rm), mean generation time (T), finite rate of increase (λ) and double population time (t) of A. cucumeris were 26.95, 0.15, 22.32 d, 1.16 and 4.70 d, respectively. 【Conclusion】With S. dorsalis as prey, A. cucumeris can complete its generation growth, development and reproduction, and can be used as a predatory enemy of S. dorsalis for its biological control.
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