何丽烂,李树营,李学文,喻 敏,王惠珍.红花紫荚矮秆豌豆品种的选育[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(8):29-34
查看全文    HTML 红花紫荚矮秆豌豆品种的选育
Selection of Dwarf Varieties of Pea withRed Flower and Purple Pod
中文关键词: 豌豆  杂交育种  红花  紫荚  矮秆  花青素
英文关键词: pea  cross breeding  red flower  purple pod  dwarf  anthocyanin
何丽烂,李树营,李学文,喻 敏,王惠珍 佛山科学技术学院食品科学与工程学院广东 佛山 528000 
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      【目的】通过红花紫荚高秆豌豆品种 Cv 13 和白花绿荚矮秆豌豆品种 Cv 4 两个亲本,选育适合在 广东种植、兼具观赏和食用价值的红花紫荚矮秆豌豆新品种。【方法】以豌豆品种 Cv 13 和 Cv 4 为亲本,通过 正反交获得 F1 代后,再次种植,以红花、紫荚和矮秆 3 个性状为选育目标,从 F2 杂交后代中筛选红花紫荚矮秆 豌豆新品种。【结果】在品种选育过程中发现,高秆相对于矮秆为显性性状,符合孟德尔遗传定律的分离规律; 荚色与花色有关,红花对应紫荚,白花对应绿荚,而荚色由质量性状控制。通过对 F2 代筛选得到两个红花紫荚 矮秆豌豆新品种,命名为 1 号和 2 号,对其相关表型和品质进行分析发现:1 号株高 94.00 cm,开红花结紫荚, 花青素相对含量 0.65;2 号株高 90.00 cm,开红花结紫荚,花青素相对含量 0.34。【结论】1 号和 2 号均是红花 紫荚矮秆豌豆新品种,兼具观赏和食用价值,其中 1 号花青素含量相对较高、营养价值更高。
      :【Objective】Two cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum L.), Cv 13 (with red flowers, purple pods and high stalk) and Cv 4 (with white flowers, green pods and dwarf), were used as parents to breed new dwarf varieties of pea with red flowers and purple pods, suitable to be cultivated in Guangdong with ornamental and edible values. 【Method】With Cv 13 and Cv 4 as parents, the F1 generation was obtained through reciprocal crosses. After being replanted, a new dwarf variety with red flowers and purple pods was screened out from F2 hybrids with 3 traits of red flower, purple pod and dwarf stalk as breeding objectives. 【Result】During the process of variety selection, it was found that high stalk showed dominant character compared to dwarf stalk, which is in accordance with segregation law of Mendel’s genetic law. Pod color was related to flower color, of which red flower and white flower corresponded to purple pod and green pod, respectively, and it was controlled by quality traits. Two new dwarf varieties of with red flowers and purple pods were obtained through the selection of F2 hybrids and named as No. 1 and No. 2. Based on the analysis on relevant phenotype and quality, No. 1 had a plant height of 94.00 cm with red flower and purple pod and the relative content of anthocyanin was 0.65, while No. 2 had a plant height of 90.00 cm with red flower and purple pod and the relative content of anthocyanin was 0.34. 【Conclusion】 Both No. 1 and No. 2 are new varieties of dwarf pea with red flowers and purple pods, which have high ornamental and edible values. No. 1 has relatively high anthocyanin content and higher nutritional value.
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