查看全文    HTML 雅鲁藏布江中上游典型植物群落维管植物资源研究
Study on Vascular Plant Resources of Typical PlantCommunities in the Middle and Upper Reaches ofthe Yarlung Zangbo River
中文关键词: 雅鲁藏布江中上游  典型植物群落  植物资源  植物生长型  植物生活型
英文关键词: upper and middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River  typical plant community  plant resources  growthform of plant  life form of plant
葛青松,屈兴乐,罗大庆,方江平 西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所 / 西藏高原森林生态教育部重点实验室 / 西藏林芝高山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站 / 西藏自治区高原森林生态实验室 / 西藏自治区生态安全联合实验室西藏 林芝 860000 
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      【目的】通过对雅鲁藏布江中上游流域植物资源的调查,旨在为该区植物资源的综合开发和保护 提供理论基础。【方法】以雅鲁藏布江中上游流域为研究区,运用样方(线)法对样地植物群落进行实地调查, 结合相关文献,对该区雅鲁藏布江中上游维管植物进行植物资源研究。【结果】该区共有维管植物 34 科 68 属 96 种(包括亚种、变种),分别占西藏和全国维管植物科、属、种总数的 16.83%、5.48%、1.66% 和 11.63%、2.02%、 0.31%;该区维管植物生长型以草本植物为主,植物生活型以地上芽和地面芽植物占相对优势,生态类型以中 生植物分布占一定优势。该区共有药用植物 48 种、绿化观赏植物 40 种、饲用植物 25 种、其他经济植物(材 料植物、食用植物、能源植物、种质植物、有毒植物等)23 种,同时分布有国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生植物 4 种。【结 论】该区植物类群相对匮乏,但植物资源丰富,应科学开发利用植物资源,并加强对珍稀植物的保护管理措施。
      【Objective】 Through the investigation of plant resources in the middle and upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River,it aims to provide a theoretical basis for the comprehensive development and protection of plant resources in this area.【Method】 In this study,the middle and upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River were selected as research areas. The plot method was used to conduct field investigation of the plant communities in the research areas,and the related literature was used to study the plant resources of the vascular plants.【Result】 There are 34 families,68 genera and 96 species (including subspecies and varieties) of vascular plants in this area,accounting for 16.83%,5.48% and 1.66% of the total number of the families,genera and species of vascular plants in Tibet and 11.63%,2.02% and 0.31% of these in China. The growth form of vascular plants in this area is dominated by herbaceous plant,the life form of plants has comparative advantage in chamaephytes and hemicryptophytes and the ecological type has certain advantages in the distribution of mesophytes. There are 48 kinds of medicinal plants,40 kinds of ornamental plants,25 kinds of forage plants and 23 kinds of other economic plants (material plants,food plants,energy plants,germplasm plants and poisonous plants etc.). And 4 species of state second-class protected wild plants are distributed in this area.【Conclusion】In this area, the plant groups are relatively scarce,but they are rich in plants resources,which should be developed and utilized scientifically. And measures for the protection and management of rare plants should be strengthened.
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