马 猛,王克华,曲 亮,窦套存,沈曼曼,王星果,郭 军.鸡 72 周龄产蛋性状与鸡冠性状典型相关分析[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(8):118-122
查看全文    HTML 鸡 72 周龄产蛋性状与鸡冠性状典型相关分析
Analysis on Canonical Correlation Between Egg Productionand Comb Traits of 72-week-old Chicken
中文关键词: 资源群体  产蛋性状  鸡冠  简单相关  典型相关
英文关键词: resource population  egg production trait  comb  simple correlation  canonical correlation
马 猛,王克华,曲 亮,窦套存,沈曼曼,王星果,郭 军 江苏省家禽科学研究所江苏 扬州 225003 
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      【目的】探究鸡冠性状和 72 周龄产蛋性状间的相关关系。【方法】以东乡绿壳蛋鸡和单冠白莱航 鸡为亲本构建的资源群体 F2 代为素材,测定鸡冠性状和 72 周龄部分产蛋性状。【结果】9 个变量中共有 24 对 相关性达到极显著水平。鸡冠性状中,冠重和冠面积间相关性最大,相关系数达到 0.846(P < 0.01);72 周龄 产蛋性状中,产蛋数和蛋重相关性最大,相关系数为 0.139(P < 0.01);两组性状中,冠长和 72 周龄蛋重间 相关性最大,相关系数为 0.118(P < 0.01)。典型相关分析中,鸡冠性状和 72 周龄产蛋性状第一典型相关系 数为 0.203,达到极显著水平。【结论】两组性状间的相关性主要由冠高、冠面积、72 周龄产蛋数、72 周龄蛋 重和 72 周龄蛋壳强度间的显著相关引起。
      【Objective】 The study was to explore the correlation between comb traits and egg production traits of 72-week-old chickens【Method】 The comb traits and egg production traits of 72-week-old chickens were determined by using the resource population F2 established by Dongxiang Green-shell laying hens and single-comb White Leghorn chickens as parents. 【Result】 The results showed that 24 pairs of correlations among 9 variables reached extremely significant. Among the comb traits, the correlation between comb weight and comb area was the largest with the correlation coefficient of 0.846 (P < 0.01). As for the egg production traits of 72-week old, the correlation between egg number and egg weight was the greatest with the correlation coefficient of 0.139(P < 0.01). Among the traits of two groups, the correlation between comb length and egg weight of 72-week old was the greatest with the correlation coefficient of 0.118 (P < 0.01). The first canonical correlation coefficient between comb traits and production traits was 0.203, which was extremely significant. 【Conclusion】 The correlation between the two traits was mainly affected by comb height, comb area and egg number, egg weight and eggshell strength of 72-week old.
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