蒋顺红,余永松,石方刚,何龙飞,王爱勤.农户参与田园综合体意愿影响因素探讨 ——基于对广西田园综合体农户的田间调查[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(8):158-164
查看全文    HTML 农户参与田园综合体意愿影响因素探讨 ——基于对广西田园综合体农户的田间调查
Discussion on the Influence Factors of Farmers’Willingness to Participate in Rural Complex—Based on a Field Survey of the RuralComplex in Guangxi
中文关键词: 田园综合体  主成分分析  Logistic  影响因素  广西
英文关键词: the rural complex  principal component analysis  Logistic model  influence factors  Guangxi
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系专项 (nycytxgxcxtd-11-01);2018 年中央补助广西中医药部门公共卫生专 项(GXZYZYPC18-04-03)
蒋顺红,余永松,石方刚,何龙飞,王爱勤 广西大学农学院广西 南宁 530001 
摘要点击次数: 1821
全文下载次数: 932
      【目的】分析影响农户参与田园综合体的影响因素,为提高田园综合体的建设水平与相关研究提 供参考。【方法】基于主成分分析与 Logistic 回归分析法,以广西田园综合体国家级试点及自治区试点农户为研 究对象,探讨在田园综合体内,影响农户参与田园综合体意愿的因素。【结果】基层治理与噪声控制两个因素 对农户参与田园综合体意愿的影响最为强烈,就业机会、空气质量、水质、村庄村貌、民俗活动、居住环境等 6 个因素的权重系数也分别达到了 0.76 以上,属于“强刺激作用”影响因素。【结论】提供多种就业增收的机会; 园区政策的制定应多听取园区农户的意见,政策的实施应遵循自愿原则;加强本地民俗文化的保护;园区规划 建设过程中应注意原生环境的保护及宜居环境的打造。
      【Objective】 The study was to analyze the influence factors of farmers’participation in the rural complex, and to provide reference for improving the construction level and related research of the rural complex. 【Method】 Based on the principal component analysis and logistic regression analysis method, the farmers in the national pilots and pilots of autonomous region of Guangxi Rural Complex were taken as the research objects to explore the influence factors of the farmers’willingness to participate in the rural complex. 【Result】 The results showed that the grassroots governance and noise control had the strongest influence on farmers’willingness to participate in the rural complex. The weighting coefficients of employment opportunity, air quality, water quality, village appearance, folk activities and living environment were also more than 0.76 respectively, which belonged to the factors with “strong stimulation”. 【Conclusion】 It is suggested to provide a variety of opportunities for employment and increase income, listen to the opinions of farmers in the rural complex when formulating related park policies, follow the voluntary principle during the implementation of policies, strengthen the protection of local folk culture, and pay attention to the protection of the original environment and the creation of a livable environment in the planning and construction of the rural complex.
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