韦礼飞 1,2,伍 琦 2,威海霞 2,曾小林 2,刘为胜 2,杨 磊 2.江西省农业现代化发展水平评价及对策研究[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(8):165-172
查看全文    HTML 江西省农业现代化发展水平评价及对策研究
Evaluation and Countermeasure Research of AgriculturalModernization Development Level in Jiangxi Province
中文关键词: 江西省  农业现代化  熵值法  发展现状  对策
英文关键词: Jiangxi Province  agricultural modernization  entropy value method  development status  countermeasures
基金项目:江西省现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(JXARS-06- 赣北片);国家现代农业产业技术体系建 设专项资金(CARS-15-36)
韦礼飞 1,2,伍 琦 2,威海霞 2,曾小林 2,刘为胜 2,杨 磊 2 1. 江西农业大学农学院江西 南昌 330045 2. 江西省棉花研究所江西 九江 332105 
摘要点击次数: 2025
全文下载次数: 920
      【目的】为了客观衡量和界定江西省农业现代化发展水平,分析江西省农业现代化发展过程中出 现的问题,并提出相关对策。【方法】参考和借鉴国内外有关评价农业现代化发展水平的指标体系,结合江西实际, 选取江西省 2007—2017 年农业现代化发展水平的相关统计指标数据,运用熵权法确定权重,将数据进行标准 化处理,定量分析江西省农业现代化发展水平。【结果】江西省农业现代化发展水平综合指数由 2007 年的 0.1970 上升至 2017 年的 0.6683,增幅高达 239.2%。2007—2010 年江西省农业现代化水平处于准备阶段,2011—2013 年处于起步阶段,2014—2017 处于初步实现阶段。其中,农业投入水平指数较高、为 0.2994,农业产出水平指 数较低、仅为 0.1830,农村居民生活水平指数为 0.2883,农业可持续发展水平指数为 0.2343,前 3 个指数均表 现出逐步上升趋势,第 4 个指数呈先下降后上升的趋势。【结论】江西省农业现代化建设总体发展较快,农业 投入水平较高但农业产出水平较差,农村居民生活水平逐步提高但整体还处于较低水平。针对江西省农业现代 化建设面临发展不协调、不平衡的现状,从 4 个方面提出提升江西省农业现代化水平的对策。
      【Objective】 The study was to for analyze the problems in the process of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi Province,and put forward relevant countermeasures.objectively measure and define the development level of agricultural modernization 【Methods】 With reference to domestic and foreign indicator systems for evaluating the level of agricultural modernization development,and based on the statistical data related to the development of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi Province from 2007 to 2017,this paper determined the weight by using the entropy weight method,and processed the data through value standardization to quantitatively analyze the development level of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi Province.【Results】 The results showed that the comprehensive index of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi Province increased from 0.1970 in 2007 to 0.6683 in 2017,with an increase of 239.2%.The agricultural modernization of Jiangxi Province was in the preparation stage from 2007 to 2010,the start-up stage from 2011 to 2013 and the preliminary realization stage from 2014 to 2017.The agricultural input level index is relatively high (0.2994),while the agricultural output level index is relatively low (0.1830).The living standard index of rural residents is 0.2883, and the agricultural sustainable development level index is 0.2343.The first three indexes show a gradual upward trend, while the fourth index drops first then rises.【Conclusion】 Agricultural modernization in Jiangxi Province has achieved rapid development on the whole,with a high level of agricultural input but a lower level of agricultural output.The living standard of rural residents has been gradually improved; however,the overall level is still low.In view of the uncoordinated and unbalanced development of agricultural modernization in Jiangxi Province,countermeasures for improving the level of agricultural modernization are put forward from four aspects.
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