查看全文    HTML 甜玉米自交系农艺性状配合力的综合分析
Comprehensive Analysis of Combining Ability of Agronomic Traits in Sweet Corn Inbred Lines
中文关键词: 甜玉米  自交系  配合力  遗传力  杂种优势群
英文关键词: sweet corn  inbred lines  combining ability  heritability  heterotic group
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2016A020227015);广东省农业科技创新及推广项目(2018LM2165 )
宫庆友,陈燕红,龚衍熙,陈川雁 珠海市现代农业发展中心广东 珠海 519075 
摘要点击次数: 1791
全文下载次数: 678
      【目的】研究甜玉米自交系农艺性状配合力,为培育优良杂交种奠定基础。【方法】以 13 个甜玉 米自交系为试验材料,采用 Griffing 完全双列杂交方法调查单株产量、果皮厚度、可溶性总糖、株高、穗位高、 穗长、穗粗、行粒数、穗行数、秃尖、百粒重等 11 个性状的配合力和群体遗传参数。【结果】根据单株产量、 果皮厚度与可溶性总糖的配合力测定值鉴定出自交系 B6 为高产 - 优质型自交系,B10、B11 为高产自交系,B13 为优质型自交系;并且依据配合力效应值对 13 个自交系进行杂种优势群划分。【结论】通过对 13 个自交系的 农艺性状配合力效应情况作出科学评价,探索了各性状的遗传规律、相互关系以及杂种优势群的划分,为今后 合理利用甜玉米自交系配制杂交组合与自交系筛选提供了理论指导。
      【Objective】The combining abilities of agronomic traits in super sweet corn inbred lines was investigated to provide a foundation for the breeding of excellent hybrids.【Method】The combining abilities and population genetic parameters of yield per plant, pericarp thickness, soluble sugar content, plant height, ear height, ear length, ear thickness, kernel number per row, rows per ear, barren ear tip, and 100-seed weight were investigated in 13 sweet maize inbred lines by using the complete diallel cross of Griffing method.【Result】According to the measurement values of yield per plant, pericarp thickness, and soluble sugar content, B6 was identified as high yield-excellent inbred line, B10 and B11 as highyield inbred line, and B13 as excellent inbred line. And 13 inbred lines were divided into multiple heterotic groups based on the combining ability effect values (CAEVs).【Conclusion】According to the scientific evaluation on the CAEVs of agronomic traits in 13 inbred lines, the inheritance law and correlation of different agronomic traits and the division of heterotic groups were explored, which will provide theoretical guidance for hybridization preparation and inbred lines screening by the reasonable utilization of sweet corn inbred lines in the future.
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