李 嫚,郭青霞.新型城镇化背景下农户宅基地流转与退出意愿影响因素分析——以山西省孝义市梧桐镇为例[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(1):158-165
查看全文    HTML 新型城镇化背景下农户宅基地流转与退出意愿影响因素分析——以山西省孝义市梧桐镇为例
Analysis of Factors Affecting Farmers' Homestead Transferand Withdrawal Intention Under New Urbanization—A Case of Wutong Town, Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Province
中文关键词: 宅基地流转  盘活利用  闲置宅基地  Logistic 回归分析模型  新型城镇化
英文关键词: transfer of homestead  revitalization and use  idle homestead  Logistic regression analysis model  new-type urbanization
李 嫚,郭青霞 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太谷 030801 
摘要点击次数: 1812
全文下载次数: 725
      【目的】推进新型城镇化需要深化农村土地流转制度改革,而宅基地制度改革过程中将面临着 闲置宅基地的盘活和配置效率问题。【方法】以山西省孝义市特色小城镇梧桐镇的两个行政村为调查对象,采 用问卷调查方法,对不同经济发展程度的农户进行调查走访,构建 Logistic 回归模型。【结果】(1)两村有 73.9% 的农户愿意流转宅基地,36.9% 的农户愿意退出宅基地。(2)年龄、家庭总人口、家庭收入来源和宅基 地闲置情况均在 90% 以上水平显著影响中梧桐村农户宅基地的流转意愿;年龄、在外定居人数、家庭年收入、 家庭收入来源和宅基地闲置情况均在 95% 以上水平显著影响中梧桐村农户宅基地的退出意愿。(3)年龄、家 庭年收入和宅基地闲置情况均在 95% 以上水平显著影响北姚村农户宅基地的流转意愿;年龄、性别、文化程度、 在外定居人数和宅基地闲置情况均在 90% 以上水平显著影响北姚村农户宅基地的退出意愿。【结论】为了盘活 农村大量闲置的宅基地,需要建立并完善宅基地流转与有偿退出机制,提升农民自身的素质,同时政府要重视 土地管理的相关工作,最后要借鉴其他地区宅基地治理的成功经验,制定适合该地区发展的政策措施。
      【Objective】 To promote new-type urbanization, it is required to deepen the reform of the rural land transfer system, and it will certainly face the activation and allocation of idle house sites in the process of reforming the homestead system. 【Method】 Two administrative villages in Wutong Town, a small town in Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Province, were used as survey objects, and a survey was conducted to investigate and visit farmers in different economic development levels to construct a logistic regression model. 【Results】 (1) 73.9% of the farmers in the two villages are willing to transfer their homesteads and 36.9% willing to withdraw from the homesteads. (2) Factors such as age, total family population, source of household income, and vacancy of homestead significantly affect the willingness of farmers’ in Zhongwutong Village to transfer the homesteads, with a level of over 90%. Factors such as age, number of settlers abroad,annual family income, family income source and idle situation of house site, significantly affects the willingness of farmers in Zhongwutong Village to withdraw from their house sites, with a level of over 95%. (3) Factors such as age, annual household income, and homestead vacancy, significantly affects the willingness of farmers in Beiyao Village to transfer their homesteads, with a level of over 95%; factors such as age, gender, education level, number of settlers abroad and homestead vacancy, significantly affect the willingness of farmers in Beiyao Village to withdraw from their homesteads, with a level of over 90%. 【Conclusion】 In order to revitalize a large number of idle homesteads in rural areas, it is necessary to establish and improve the mechanism of homestead transfer and paid withdrawal to improve farmers' personal quality. At the same time, the government must pay attention to the work related to land management, learn success experiences in homestead governance from other regions, and formulate policies and measures suitable for the development of the region.
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