常慧杰 1 ,石保纬 1 ,梁胜凯 2,莫良玉1,3,范稚莲 1,3,黄世洋 3,唐 明 3.广西耕地利用强度与粮食综合生产能力的关联效应分析——基于改进灰色关联模型实证研究[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(3):123-130
查看全文    HTML 广西耕地利用强度与粮食综合生产能力的关联效应分析——基于改进灰色关联模型实证研究
Analysis on Correlation Effect of Cultivated Land Utilization Intensity and Comprehensive Grain Production Capacity in Guangxi—An Empirical Study Based on Improved Grey Relational Model
中文关键词: 广西  耕地利用强度  粮食综合生产能力  改进灰色关联模型
英文关键词: Guangxi  cultivated land utilization intensity  comprehensive grain production capacity  improved grey relational model
基金项目:中国烟草公司广西公司科技创新项目(桂烟科〔2016〕316 号 2017-3);广西科技发展战略研究专项(桂科 ZL19107016)
常慧杰 1 ,石保纬 1 ,梁胜凯 2,莫良玉1,3,范稚莲 1,3,黄世洋 3,唐 明 3 1. 广西大学农学院广西 南宁 5300042. 广西农业科学院园艺研究所广西 南宁 530007 3. 广西大学新农村发展研究院广西 南宁 530004 
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      【目的】探讨广西耕地利用强度与粮食综合生产能力的关联效应,为广西更有效地落实粮食安全责 任制提供参考。【方法】采用产量、规模及综合比较优势指数对广西粮食综合生产能力进行测算,并基于 2010— 2017 年广西耕地利用强度的评价指标数据,运用改进灰色关联模型,分析耕地利用强度与粮食综合生产能力的关 联效应。【结果】广西耕地利用强度与粮食综合生产能力之间存在显著的关联效应;由于粮食的不同种类,广西 耕地利用强度与粮食综合生产能力的关联效应存在一定的差异性。其中,稻谷综合生产能力表现为“物质强度 + 种植强度 + 科技强度”三角箭头型关联模式,玉米综合生产能力表现为“种植强度”单关联模式,大豆综合生产 能力表现为“种植强度 + 物质强度”双关联模式,薯类综合生产能力表现为“劳动力强度”单关联模式。【结论】 根据广西耕地利用强度与粮食综合生产能力的关联效应,建议完善耕地整治及占补平衡机制,保障耕地有效利用 与供给;调整农作物种植结构,优化区域粮食生产布局;强化农业技术研发和推广,充分利用作物间套种模式; 优化农村劳动力配置机制,多渠道实现保地、种粮及增收。
      【Objective】The study was to explore the correlation effect between cultivated land utilization intensity (CLUI)and comprehensive grain production capacity(CGPC)in Guangxi, and provide a reference for the implementation of the responsibility system for food security in Guangxi.【Method】The output, scale and comprehensive comparative advantage index were used to calculate the CGPC of Guangxi. Based on the evaluation index data of CLUI in Guangxi from 2010 to 2017, the improved grey relational model was used to analyze the correlation effect between CLUI and CGPC.【Result】 There was a significant correlation effect between CLUI and CGPC in Guangxi, but there were some differences due to different kinds of crops . The CGPC of rice was characterized by triangular arrowheads correlation pattern of “material intensity + planting intensity + technology intensity”, while the CGPC of corn was characterized by single correlation pattern of “planting intensity”, CGPC of soybean was characterized by double correlation pattern of “planting intensity + material intensity”, CGPC of potato was characterized by single correlation pattern of “labor intensity”.【Conclusion】Based on the correlation effect between CLUI and CGPC in Guangxi, it is suggested to improve the mechanism of cultivated land regulation and balance of land use and compensation to ensure the effective use and supply of cultivated land, to adjust the planting structure of crops and optimize the distribution of regional grain production, to strengthen agricultural technology research and development and promotion and make full use of intercropping pattern, to optimize the mechanism of allocation of rural labor for realizing land conservation and grain production and income increase through multiple channels.
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