查看全文    HTML 种植模式对土壤团聚体稳定性和有机碳含量的影响
Effects of Planting Patterns on Stability and Organic Carbon Content of Soil Aggregate
中文关键词: 间作  土壤团聚体  粒级分布  稳定性  有机碳
英文关键词: intercropping  soil aggregates  particle size distribution  stability  organic carbon
王梦雪,李永梅,酒鹃鹃,赵吉霞,王自林,范茂攀 云南农业大学资源与环境学院云南 昆明 650201 
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      【目的】玉米大豆间作是我国多地区常见的耕作制度,研究间作后土壤团聚体的变化,旨在为以玉米大豆为主的间作体系改善土壤结构提供科学依据。【方法】通过设置裸地、大豆单作和玉米大豆间作 3 个处理,分析不同种植模式对土壤水稳性团聚体含量、水稳性团聚体稳定性及团聚体有机碳含量的影响。【结果】在 0~20 cm 土层,间作和单作的 R0.25(> 0.25 mm 水稳性团聚体含量)、MWD(平均重量直径)和 GMD(几何平均直径)均显著高于裸地,其大小关系表现为单作>间作>裸地,间作的D(分形维数)相比裸地显著降低 2.33%;在 20~40 cm 土层,间作比单作的 R0.25 增加 10.05%,MWD 增加 22.45%,GMD 增加 16.13%,D 降低 0.40%。不同种植模式团聚体有机碳含量存在显著差异,在 0~20 cm 土层,间作> 2 mm 和 2~1 mm 粒级的团聚体有机碳含量相比单作显著提高 15.15% 和 14.82%;在 20~40 cm 土层,间作> 2 mm 粒级团聚体有机碳含量比单作显著提高 31%。【结论】间作改变了土壤团聚体的特征,提高了团聚体有机碳含量。
      【Objective】Maize and soybean intercropping is a common farming system in many regions of China. The change of soil aggregates after intercropping is studied to provide scientific basis for improving the soil structure of intercropping system based on maize and soybean.【Method】In this experiment, three treatments of bare land, soybean monocropping, and maize and soybean intercropping were set to analyze the effects of different planting patterns on the contents of soil water-stable aggregates, the stability of water-stable aggregates and the organic carbon contents of aggregates.【Result】In the 0-20 cm soil layer, R0.25(> 0.25mm water-stable aggregate content), MWD(mean weight diameter)and GMD(geometric mean diameter)of intercropping and monocropping were significantly higher than those of bare land, which was shown as monocropping > intercropping > bare land. The D(fractal dimension)of intercropping was significantly reduced by 2.33% compared with that of bare land. In the 20-40cm soil layer, R0.25, MWD and GMD of intercropping increased by 10.05%, 22.45% and 16.13% while D decreased by 0.40% compared with those of monocropping. There were significant differences in organic carbon contents in aggregates under different planting patterns. In the 0-20 cm soil layer, compared with monocropping, the organic carbon content under intercropping significantly increases by 15.15% in > 2 mm aggregate and increases by 14.82% in 2-1 mm aggregate; in the 20-40 cm soil layer, the organic carbon content in >2 mm aggregate under intercropping was significantly increased by 31% compared with that of monocropping.【Conclusion】Intercropping changed the characteristics of soil aggregates and increased the contents of organic carbon in aggregates.
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