刘 敏 1,何孟璐 1,梅 瑜 1,陈新泉 2,王继华 1.药用植物小叶榕研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(6):15-22
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Research Progress in Medicinal Plant of Ficus microcarpa
中文关键词: 小叶榕  药用植物  化学成分  质量工艺  药理活性  开发利用
英文关键词: Ficus microcarpa  medicinal plant  chemical composition  quality process  pharmacological activity  development and utilization
基金项目:广东省农作物种质资源库(圃)建设与资源收集保存、鉴评项目(粤农计〔2018〕36 号);广东省博罗县南药产业园项目(2019)
刘 敏 1,何孟璐 1,梅 瑜 1,陈新泉 2,王继华 1 1. 广东省农作物遗传改良重点实验室 / 广东省农业科学院作物研究所广东 广州 5106402. 广东罗浮山国药股份有限公司广东 惠州 516100 
摘要点击次数: 1561
全文下载次数: 999
      Ficus microcarpa, a kind of tree belonging to Ficus of Moraceae Family, is one of the traditional Chinese medicinal materials in China. With the functions of relieving cough and asthma, anti-inflammation and bacteriostasis, it is often used to treat respiratory diseases in Lingnan area, and is one of the main raw materials of Chinese patent medicine for relieving cough. F. microcarpa is evergreen all the year round and has a beautiful tree shape. It is also the preferred street tree for urban greening in south China. However, there are fewer researches on F. microcarpa at home and abroad, mainly focusing on the characteristics of greening plants, with weak researches on medicinal plants. There are shortages in the evaluation and selection of germplasm resources, deep processing technology and efficient utilization of resources of F. microcarpa. The researches on the types and mechanism of the effective components of F. microcarpa have not been conducted deeply, lacking of quality standard for the relationship between the quantity and the effect of dry extract in production, which seriously restricts the development and application of the medicinal value. With the greater importance attached to the development and utilization of F. microcarpa, it shows enormous application prospect and economic benefits. The research and utilization of F. microcarpa in pharmacognosy, chemical composition, quality process, pharmacological activity and clinical application are reviewed in order to provide theoretical basis for better comprehensive utilization.
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