董 毅 1,黄义钧 2,何国强 3,刘永金 4,谭广文 3.华南地区城市常见园林树木风灾受损等级及抗风能力研究[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(6):30-38
查看全文    HTML 华南地区城市常见园林树木风灾受损等级及抗风能力研究
Research on the Damage Grade and Wind Resistance of Urban Common Garden Trees in South China
中文关键词: 风灾受损  园林树木  抗风性能  等级  评价
英文关键词: wind damage  garden tree  wind resistance  grade  evaluation
董 毅 1,黄义钧 2,何国强 3,刘永金 4,谭广文 3 1. 华润(深圳)有限公司广东 深圳 5180102. 深圳市仙湖植物园广东 深圳 5180043. 广州普邦园林股份有限公司广东 广州 5106004. 深圳市梧桐山风景区管理处广东 深圳 518004 
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      【目的】探索城市绿地园林树木风灾受损情况及树种抗风性能力。【方法】调查深圳城市绿地园林树木 2018 年台风“山竹”的风灾受损情况及测定相关数据,结合历史资料提出园林树木抗风灾等级评价标准,并采用综合评分法对 50 种常见园林树木的抗风性能进行评价与分析。【结果】根据园林树木风灾受损程度及预期恢复状况将风灾受损状况划分为 5 等级,将树种抗风性能对应划分为 5 等级;抗折枝能力优良树种多为棕榈科、原生近海地区、适合滨海绿化的种类,原生内陆静风区树种普遍抗风性差;抗折干树种一般材质坚韧、干形挺直,树冠受风面小;抗倒伏种类的根系通常特化或具深根性,一些种类冠形通透、风阻小或枝条柔韧度高。【结论】决定树种抗风性能的主要形态因子为树干与材质、抗弯强度、冠层密度、冠高比、根系状况、挠曲变形量和最大静荷载;在 50 个常见园林树种中,棕榈类、乡土树种及根系发达或材质坚韧、树冠通透的种类抗风性能较强。
      【Objective】The study was to explore the damage caused by wind disasters and the wind resistance of trees in urban green space and gardens.【Methods】Based on the investigation on the wind damage situation and measurement of relevant data of the urban green garden trees in Shenzhen after the typhoon Mangkhut in 2018, a wind resistance grade elevation standard of garden trees was proposed in combination with historical data, and wind resistance of 50 common garden trees was analyzed and evaluated with comprehensive evaluation method.【Result】According to the wind damage degree of garden trees and the expected recovery status, the damage status of wind disaster is divided into 5 levels, and the wind resistance performance of tree species is divided into 5 levels accordingly.The tree species with excellent branch breaking resistance are mostly the species of palm family, native offshore areas and suitable for coastal greening.Generally, the tree species of inland calm regions has weak wind resistance. The flex-resistant dried tree species are generally tough, with a straight stem and a small wind-sensitive crown. The lodging-resistant tree species are usually root system specialized or deep-rooted, with some types of crown-shaped permeability, low wind resistance or high branch flexibility.【Conclusion】The main morphological factors affecting the wind resistance of trees include trunk shape and wood material, anti-bending strength, crown layer density, crown-height ratio, root system, deflection amount, maximum static load. Among the 50 common garden tree species, palms, native tree those and species with developed root systems, tough materials and transparent canopies have strong wind resistance.
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