刘 苏1,郭宜欣 2,张海发 1,杨宇晴 1,吴锦辉 1,石和荣 1,黄锦雄 1,黄培卫 1.野生对虾白斑综合征和早期死亡综合征病原的流行情况调查[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(6):91-96
查看全文    HTML 野生对虾白斑综合征和早期死亡综合征病原的流行情况调查
Epidemiology Investigation on the Pathogens of WSS and EMS of Wild Prawn
中文关键词: 大亚湾  野生对虾  白斑综合征  早期死亡综合征  PCR 检测
英文关键词: Daya Bay  wild shrimp  White Spot Syndrome(WSS)  Early Mortality Syndrome(EMS)  PCR detection
刘 苏1,郭宜欣 2,张海发 1,杨宇晴 1,吴锦辉 1,石和荣 1,黄锦雄 1,黄培卫 1 1. 广东省海洋渔业试验中心广东 惠州 5160812. 仲恺农业工程学院动物科技学院广东 广州 510225 
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      【目的】了解白斑综合征(White Spot Syndrom,WSS)和早期死亡综合征(Early Mortality Syndrome,EMS)病原在自然海域对虾中的流行情况。【方法】通过 PCR 检测方法对 2018—2019 年采自大亚湾海域的野生对虾进行早期死亡综合征病菌和白斑综合征病毒检测。【结果】在白斑综合征病毒检测中,2018 年所检测的 5个月平均阳性率为 22.96%,其中 8 月份阳性率为 0;2019 年所检测的 9 个月平均阳性率为 2.43%,其中 1 月及 8—10 月阳性率为 0。在早期死亡综合征病菌检测中,2018 年所检测月份平均阳性率达 29.93%,最高为 63.04%;2019 年所检测月份平均阳性率达 41.33%,最高为 94.00%。【结论】大亚湾海域野生对虾群体的白斑综合征病毒携带率及早期死亡综合征病菌携带率在时间上无特定分布规律,白斑综合征病毒携带率总体处于较低水平,而早期死亡综合征病菌携带率总体处于较高水平。
      【Objective】The study was to investigate the epidemiology of pathogen of White Spot Syndrome(WSS)and Early Mortality Syndrome(EMS)of wild prawn in natural sea area. 【Method】The detection on the WSS and EMS viruses of wild shrimps collected from Daya Bay during 2018 and 2019 was performed by PCR detection method.【Result】The results showed that the average virus positive rate of WSS was 22.96% during 5 months’detection in 2018, and the virus positive rate was 0 in August. The average virus positive rate of WSS was 2.43% during 9 months’detection in 2019, and the virus positive rate was 0 in January and from August to October. The average virus positive rate of EMS was 29.93% in 2018, with the highest value of 63.04%. The average virus positive rate of EMS was 41.33% in 2019, with the highest value of 94.00%.【Conclusion】The time distribution of virus-carrying rate of WSS and EMS of wild shrimps in Daya Bay seemed to be irregular. The virus-carrying rate of WSS was in a lower level, but that of EMS was in a higher level.
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