罗青文,潘方胤,敖俊华,齐永文,吴嘉云,彭立冲,梁启如,文明富.18 个粤糖系列甘蔗品种系谱分析及育种建议[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(7):26-35
查看全文    HTML 18 个粤糖系列甘蔗品种系谱分析及育种建议
Parentage Analysis of Eighteen Yuetang Series of Sugarcane Varieties and Breeding Suggestions
中文关键词: 甘蔗  系谱  亲缘关系  核心种质  育种建议
英文关键词: sugarcane  parentage  genetic relationship  core germplasm  breeding suggestion
罗青文,潘方胤,敖俊华,齐永文,吴嘉云,彭立冲,梁启如,文明富 广东省科学院生物工程研究所广东 广州 510316 
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      【目的】了解粤糖系列甘蔗品种的遗传基础,为甘蔗育种中亲本选择和杂交组合配制提供参考。【方法】对近年来培育的粤糖系列 18 个甘蔗品种的亲缘关系进行分析,各供试甘蔗品种以其亲系逐代寻根追溯分析,绘制系谱图。【结果】18 个供试甘蔗品种选育共使用了 18 个亲本材料,这些亲本材料中使用频率最高的分别是CP72-1210、粤糖 93-159 和粤农 73-204,从这 3 个亲本共育成了 18 个供试材料中的 13 个品种,占被统计品种数的 72.22%;所有供试甘蔗品种的细胞质源均为班扎马新黑潭,其遗传组成源由 11 个热带种、3 个割手密种、2 个印度种、3 个中国种、1 个大茎野生种及高粱共 21 个基础种质组成;所有品种均是在引进品种的基础上发展起来的,都含有 POJ2878 或其姐妹系 POJ2725、F134、F108、CP49-50、Co290 等的血缘,遗传基础比较狭窄。【结论】为扩大甘蔗品种的遗传基础,宜选用亲缘关系较远的亲本配制杂交组合,同时,利用现代生物技术育种方法培育优良新品种。
      【Objective】The study was conducted to understand the genetic basis of Yuetang series of sugarcane varieties and provide references for selecting parents and making cross combinations in future sugarcane breeding.【Method】The genetic relationship of 18 Yuetang series of sugarcane varieties cultured in recent years were analyzed. The parentage of the tested sugarcane varieties were analyzed by generations and the pedigree diagram was drawn.【Result】A total of 18 parent varieties(lines)were used for the bred of the 18 tested sugarcane varieties. The most frequently used parent varieties(lines)were CP72-1210, Yuetang 93-159 and Yuenong 73-204. Among the 18 tested sugarcane varieties, a total of 13 varieties were bred from these parent varieties, accounting for 72.22% of the total number of the tested varieties. The source of cytoplasm for all varieties was from Bandjarmasin hitam. The basal germplasm was from 21 species including 11 of Saccharum offi cinarum, 3 of S. spontaneum, 2 of S. barberry, 3 of S. sinensis, 1 of S. robustum and Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench. All of the sugarcane varieties were developed based on the introduced varieties, and they could be traced back to POJ2878 or its sib variety POJ2725, F134, F108, CP49-50 and Co290. Therefore, the genetic basis was still a very serious problem.【Conclusion】In order to broaden genetic basis of current cultivars, parents with farther genetic relationship should be chosen to make cross combinations, and modern biotechnology breeding methods be used to breed new fine varieties.
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