吴柔贤,徐恒恒,高家东,郜银涛,陈兵先,张文虎,刘 军.广东省农作物种质资源调查与分析[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(9):1-11
查看全文    HTML 广东省农作物种质资源调查与分析
Investigation and Analysis of Crops Germplasm Resources in Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 农作物  种质资源  分类  分布  系统调查  抢救性收集
英文关键词: crop  germplasm resources  classification  distribution  systematic investigation  salvage collection
吴柔贤,徐恒恒,高家东,郜银涛,陈兵先,张文虎,刘 军 广东省农作物种质资源保存与利用重点实验室 / 广东省农业科学院农业生物基因研究中心广东 广州 510642 
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      【目的】为了解和摸清广东省农作物种质资源家底,广东省 2016 年启动第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动。【方法】2016 年 7 月至 2018 年 12 月,通过普查征集与系统调查收集相结合,对广东省 92个农业县(市、区)进行实地访问和资源调查收集。【结果】(1)本次资源普查与收集涉及 19 个地级市,东西跨度约 770 km,南北跨度约 590 km,横跨粤西、粤东、粤北和珠三角地区 687 个镇(包括街道、乡、村委),实现了广东农业县(市、区)全覆盖。(2)广东省农作物种质资源在当地种植年代平均为 45 年,百年以上资源占 8.9%;提供资源农户的平均年龄为 56 岁,2.72% 农户为瑶族、壮族和畲族。(3)共收获资源 6 873 份,收集粮食作物种质资源 2 288 份、果树 1 445 份、蔬菜 2 189 份、经济作物 766 份、牧草绿肥 3 份、其他 182 份,涉及 83 科 192 属 283 种;粮食作物的食用豆、蔬菜的根茎类、果树的木本常绿果树、经济作物的糖茶桑烟等资源份数居多,占 52.12%;份数居前十位的科有豆科、禾本科、葫芦科、薯蓣科、百合科、十字花科、姜科、天南星科、山茶科和芸香科,占 70.3%;份数较多的种有大豆、水稻、豇豆、甘薯、花生、芋、茶树、丝瓜、姜、饭豆、南瓜、蒜、番木瓜、叶用芥菜、荔枝,占 49.5%。【结论】广东省第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动基本摸清我省农作物种质资源家底,抢救性收集古老地方品种、古老育成种、野生近缘和濒危野生种质资源,为创新种质、获得突破性品种提供可能。
      【Objective】In order to understand and find out the actual situation of crop germplasm resources in Guangdong Province, the Third National Action of Crop Germplasm Resources Survey and Collection(hereinafter referred to as Action) was launched in Guangdong in 2016.【Method】From July 2016 to December 2018, the project team conducted field visits and resource survey and collection in 92 counties (cities, districts) of Guangdong Province through the combination of massive screening, collection and systematic investigation.【Result】(1)The Action was performed in 687 towns (including streets, townships and village committees) in 19 municipalities, with a geographical span of about 770 km from east to west and 590 km from north to south, realizing full coverage of agricultural counties (cities, districts) in Guangdong.(2) The average planting age of resources in local area was 45 years, 8.9% of which was over 100 years old. The average age of the farmers providing resources was 56 years old, and 2.72% of them were from Yao, Zhuang and She nationalities.(3) A total of 6 873 germplasm resources were collected, including 2 288 food crops, 1 445 fruit trees, 2 189 vegetables, 766 cash crops, 3 forage green manure and 182 other germplasms, involving 283 species in 192 genera and 83 families. The major resources were edible beans of grain crops, rhizomes of vegetables, evergreen fruit trees and economic crops such as sugar, tea, mulberry and tobacco, accounting for 52.12% of the total collection. The top ten families were Leguminosae, Gramineae, Cucurbitaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Liliaceae, Cruciferae, Zingiberaceae, Araceae, Camellia and Rutaceae, accounting for 70.3% of the total collection. The major species were soybean, rice, cowpea, sweet potato, peanut, taro, tea tree, loofah, ginger, rice bean, pumpkin, garlic, papaya, leaf mustard and litchi, accounting for 49.5% of the total collection.【Conclusion】The crop germplasm resources in Guangdong Province were found out through the“Action”, and salvage collection of local ancient varieties, ancient bred species, wild relatives and endangered wild germplasm resources was conducted, providing the possibility for germplasm innovation and achieving breakthrough varieties.
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